TP-LINK ’s Archer T2UH is an AC600 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter comes with the next generation Wi-Fi standard – 802.11ac, 3 times speeds of wireless N speeds, providing selectable 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands for the latest standard and backward compatibility to existing Wi-Fi network....
TP-LINK T2UH AC600 双频无线USB网卡说明书 Archer T2UH AC600 High Gain Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter Rev: 1.0.0 1910010976
TP-Link AC600 Nano Wireless USB Adapter 用户手册说明书 User Guide AC600 Nano Wireless USB Adapter Archer T2U Nano REV1.0.0 1910012502
Shop Black Friday 2024 Deals on TP LINK AC600 High Gain Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter between 11/25 and 12/1 at Walmart. Shop now and Save!
随后,非常幸运地,你可能会发现TPLINK官方提供了驱动下载Download for Archer T2UH 哇!有Linux版! 官方爸爸总不会弄错吧 呵呵 附带的PDF文件声称安装只需以下几步 make sudo 那么问题来了 1. make Archer_T2U_V1_150901/Driver/MODULE/os/linux/../../chips/rtmp_chip.c:912:30: error: ass...
AC600 Mini Wireless USB Adapter Archer T2U Enhance Wi-Fi Connection for More Needs The Archer T2U receives Wi-Fi signals on two separate bands. Supporting 256QAM technology increases 2.4GHz data rate from 150Mbps to 200Mbps for 33% faster performance. 433Mbps on 5GHz is ideal for HD video...
TP-LINK Archer T2U 使用了次世代WiFi技術標準 - IEEE802.11ac,這個技術比起11N還要快上三倍。本網卡可以使用433Mbps的速度在乾淨的5GHz頻段傳輸或者以150Mbps的速度在 2.4GHz頻段傳輸; Archer T2U專門為了穩定、高速的需求而生,更是有不能斷線、不喜歡LAG需求使用者的最佳選擇。
AC600 高增益 USB Wi-Fi 接收器 超高速 Wi-Fi: 256QAM 讓2.4GHz速度從150Mbps提升至200Mbps。提供2.4GHz頻段200Mbps及5GHz頻段433Mbps,您可盡情享受高速無線網路。 雙頻無線網路: 提供2.4GHz和5GHz頻段彈性的連接,讓您能自由選擇雙頻路由器發送的高速Wi-Fi訊號並擴大接收範圍。
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