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AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router Archer C50 High-Speed Dual BandWi-Fifor Better Connections The Archer C50 lets your PC or laptop enjoy connections 3x faster than Wireless N with Wireless AC technology. With 300Mbps over the 2.4GHz band and 867Mbps over the the crystal clear 5GHz band, the...
AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Wi-Fi Router Archer C50 High-Speed Dual Band Wi-Fi for Better Connections The Archer C50 lets your PC or laptop enjoy connections much faster than Wireless N with Wireless AC technology. With 300Mbps over the 2.4GHz band and 867Mbps over the crystal clear 5GHz ban...
1200M双频千兆路由器 家用WiFi无线双频端口路由器高速穿墙router 深圳市恒贸通电子科技有限公司 6年 回头率: 37.3% 广东 深圳市 ¥91.00 成交669台 TP-Link WDR5660易展版 1200M 5G双频智能无线路由器 智能wifi 广州市唯新网络科技有限公司 8年 回头率: 18.3% 广东 广州市天河区 ¥89.25 成交14...
For more information, please visit or scan the QR code left Similar Products Ideal to use with Others AC1200 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter Archer T4U AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router Archer C5AC1200 High Gain...
最新版的TP-Link AC1200双频路由器,在设置好管理员密码后,会自动检测你家宽带的上网方式;我们只需要稍微等待几秒钟,根据检测结果,设置上网参数即可。 (1)、如果路由器检测到上网方式是:宽带拨号上网——>那么你需要在页面中填写“宽带账号”、“宽带密码”信息——>然后点击“下一步”。
Regular Router Archer C1200Intuitive Web Interface TP-Link Tether · Ultimate Wireless Speed – Combined wireless speeds up to 300Mbps (over 2.4GHz) and 867Mbps (over 5GHz) · Support 802.11 ac – Provides a data transfer rate 3 times faster than 802.11n for each stream · Ultimate Range Wi...
router > tp-link archer a6 v3 ac1200 dual band gigabit wifi router, mu-mimo, onemesh, ap mode home system specs: view all {0} models part number overview view order previously ordered on {createtime} key details explore specs includes: items discounted add-ons add {name} to your...
(2)TP-LINK路由器采用“字母+数字”命名规则 字母有XDR/XTR/7DR/7TR四种: X代表802.11AX(Wi-Fi 6) 7代表802.11BE(Wi-Fi 7) D代表Dual-Band(双频) T代表Tri-Band(三频) R代表Router(路由器) 数字命名规则: 末尾两位数字改成0后的数字代表无线规格; ...