This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /tp command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can teleport to a set of coordinates or teleport to another player using the /tp command in Minecraft (see also /teleport command).
355 0 02:16 App 【命令教学】第十八期——testforblock 327 1 02:10 App 【命令教学】第十五期——playsound 67 1 05:22 App 【命令教学】第九期——fill 204 2 02:22 App Minecraft指令系列前言 240 0 06:16 App 【命令教学】第六期——setblock 78 2 03:17 App 【命令教学】第十三期——title...
/tp 玩家id 将该玩家传送到x,y,z这个坐标处,需要有作弊模式权限。 单机的tp指令有: /tp 玩家id (开启了作弊模式与朋友联机时可以使用,作用是传送到该玩家身边)。 /tp 玩家id (将该玩家传送到x,y,z这个坐标处,需要有作弊模式权限)。 也可以利用命令方块: /give 玩家id minecraft:command_block (1.8及以上...
From MinecraftOnline (Redirected fromAliases) /tptois acommandto teleport directly to a given set of coordinates, or a saved alias. It is available to players with at least theobsidian kit, as well asmoderators. To use the command with specific coordinates, type: ...
-Run/execute positioned 0.0 0.0 0.0 summon minecraft:marker at @s rotated 0 -50 run function example:test2 -Compare the Rotation values given by the /tellraw command Expected Behavior: Using an @s selector vs not using a selector wouldn't affect the rotation resulting from a completely dif...
/execute positioned as @p run particle minecraft:wax_on /data modify entity @n[tag=test] Pos[2] set value 0d /execute as @n[tag=test] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~0.5 3) Summon an entity from the first command (A llama is optional, it is only for the convenience of ride); ...
先做一个传送门 挖个洞,在铁块下放一个命令方块,得到命令方块的指令是:/give @p command_block 然后输入指令:testfor @p[r=2],注意指令之间的空格哦,并且把命令方块调到循环(就是最左边的按钮按两下,并且这只有1.9或以上才有的,如果大家玩的是1.9以下,那就做脉冲。循环相当于脉冲,但速度非常快),打好指令...
As the title states, I am having trouble with entity teleporting in Minecraft. I know that I am doing it correct as it works in singleplayer, so I figured it would be a plugin that is stopping me from teleporting entities. The command I am using is /tp @e[name=o] ~ ~300 ~, and...
As I understand, the “Execute In” command will only work for native Minecraft dimensions of the works, not for other worlds (overworlds) which a bukkit/spigot/paper server can load with a world manager. Member pop4959 commented Dec 23, 2019 Can you check if that is ...