在豪华MPV市场中,Toyota Alphard 和Vellfire 以其卓越的品质、舒适的内部空间和丰富的配置赢得了全球消费者的青睐。如今,这两款车型再创佳绩,全球销量在短短13个月内突破了100,000辆的里程碑,证明了豪华 SUV 市场两款车还是当之无愧的龙头! October 16, 2024—Malaysia Automotive News,國際車訊,大馬車壇,車壇...
June 7, 2023—Malaysia Automotive News,國際車訊,大馬車壇,車壇資訊 Perodua Ativa 或推出 7 人座,外媒预测全新 7 人座 SUV Toyota Raize Space 明年登场。 随着东南亚版 Yaris Cross 发布后并没有带来 7 人座车型,因此早前外媒就猜测未来原厂将基于 Raize 和 Rocky 的情况下再制作一款 7 人座 SUV,而它...
Prices of Toyota and Lexus Vehicles To Rise in Malaysia Due To Foreign Exchange Oct 6, 20152,551 As the Ringgit continues to depreciate, UMW Toyota announced that it will be increasing the price of Toyota and Lexus vehicles effective January 2016. The price increase varies between 4% to 16%...
在之前曾经有传闻指出 Toyota 正在开发一款代号为 500D 的硬派越野SUV ,最近海外媒体表示这款车极有可能叫做 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ !因为其车身尺码和 Tank 300 接近,因此这款车被看作是丰田特别开发的坦克杀手! February 27, 2025—Malaysia Automotive News,國際車訊,大馬車壇,車壇資訊 ...
Toyota Fortuner, which is also known as Toyota Sw4, is a mid-sized SUV that originated in Thailand. Its models are being distributed in parts of Indonesia and in other parts of countries that became interested to it. However, China, Europe, Japan, and North America are not included on th...
June 3, 2021 — Malaysia Automotive News, 大馬車壇, 車壇資訊 1 2 3 4 → 搜寻资料 2022 Volvo XC90 :461 Hp的超强SUV!这个价格真是天下无敌 Video Player 00:00 00:00 2023 Mazda CX-5 :操控更强、驾驶模式切换上身 Video Player 00:00 00:00 Copyright...
This is the second generation of Toyota’s C-HR, a mid-size crossover that started life in 2017 as a funky SUV commissioned by Toyota boss Akio Toyoda as a sort of experiment to see what the company could do. A toe in the water, with no expectation of how it might sell. Much to...
Toyota Rav4 在2020年正式引进我国市场,不过因为是日本进口的关系所以这款车的售价并不便宜,而在近日我们获得消息因为其定价太过于接近 Harrier 的关系,因此原厂计划不引进这款车的小改款,并且将会在今年内停售这款C-Segment SUV。 February 10, 2022 — Malaysia Automotive News, 大馬車壇, 車壇資訊 Toyota...
Toyota has unveiled a mid-life upgrade for its seven-seat Fortuner SUV, elevating its visual appeal while assembling multiple improvements to engine, driving and towing performance. Due in Australia in late August, Fortuner’s bold exterior styling is refreshed with a more premium look, reflecting...
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