Toyota RAV4 XLE AWD The RAV4 XLE AWD has a starting price of $31,760. This trim mirrors the RAV4 XLE FWD and gains all-wheel drive. Toyota RAV4 XLE Premium FWD The RAV4 XLE Premium FWD starts at $33,250 and builds on the RAV4 XLE FWD with integrated LED fog lights, 19-inch ...
2023年丰田RAV4 GX Hybrid AWD结合了风格、安全性和性能,是终极家庭SUV。
RAV4 Hybrid Inspired by adventure. Powered by efficiency. $31,900 Starting MSRP* 41/38 Up to Est. MPG* ExploreBuild Plug-in Hybrid EV As shown: $51,570.*38/94 Est. MPG*/MPGe* 2025 RAV4 Plug-in Hybrid Energize every adventure, big or small. ...
2023款一汽丰田RAV4荣放上市,售价区间17.68万—29.68万元。此次年度改款,新车主要新增了配备北美Adventure越野套件的四驱探险版车型可选,并且全系标配10.25英寸中控屏、Toyota Space智能座舱、Toyota Connect智能互联系统、T-Pilot智能驾驶辅助系统。虽然如今的紧凑型SUV市场,不仅有比亚迪宋Pro DM-i、宋PLUS DM-i等新能源...
Explore the 2025 Toyota RAV4, where sporty design meets utility. Combining power, comfort, and advanced tech, it's a capable SUV for daily drives and outdoor adventures.
The 2023 Toyota RAV4 has a base MSRP of $28,275, which is an average starting price for the compact SUV class. The price climbs to $29,785 for the XLE trim, which adds features such as push-button start and proximity keyless entry. Stepping up to the XLE Premium trim costs 32,675...
請至 了解 2024 現代汽車 TUCSON 油電混合車如何在價格、安全功能、保固和更多方面超越 2023 Toyota RAV4 油電混合車。
2023 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Woodland Edition Vehicle Type: front-engine, all-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door wagon PRICE Base/As Tested: $34,860/$36,104 Options: running boards, $620; door-sill protector, $199; frameless HomeLink mirror, $175; door-edge guard, $150; fog-light accent tr...
于2018年纽约车展初登场的第5代Toyota RAV4,推出至今也有5年,按照丰田集团针对主力车系大改款的产品周期推算,RAV4应该也到了大改时间。而先前有外媒报道透露,第6代RAV4有机会在2024年登场,而最近日媒又带来更多消息,表示新车可能一样会先选在美国公布相关资讯,时间点或将落在2024年10月,而PHEV车型纯电续航力有...