Toyota's Land Cruiser 70 Series wagon occupies a small, very specific niche all of its own: it's very capable off-road but it's not pretty, it's not that comfortable, it drives like a truck, and it offers few, if any, real concessions to occupant safety.While the focus is on util...
Included in the 70 series range is the Land Cruiser Prado, until it became the Series 90 in 1996. Despite major changes in styling and numerous technological updates, the 70 Series was designed to retain the off-road capabilities and durability for which the FJ40 and its siblings had become ...
2024 Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Series #汽车##越野车##丰田# 新款J76真是太有吸引力了,是不是比全新普拉多更帅? 分辨率:5000
陆地巡洋舰70曾在6个国家生产,日本TMC工厂,位于Yoshivara 县,委内瑞拉(加拉加斯于2007年停产),哥伦比亚(SOFASA)南非(德班)和澳大利亚(墨尔本)。2015年中期,在欧洲葡萄牙小镇Ovar生产开始生产Land Cruiser70,出口非洲市场。 要详细讲述Land Cruiser 70系列的所有历史版本和细节,一两篇文章的数量远远不够,所以此文按日本工...
2024 Toyota Land Cruiser 76 2.8T 6AT 这次更新版的Land Cruiser 70 Series搭载的是一具代号1GD-FTV的2.8L四缸柴油涡轮增压引擎,最大马力204匹,最大扭力500Nm,搭配六速 - 情怀越野于20231224发布在抖音,已经收获了3600个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
如果你要去远方,它将和你一路同行,无论去多么遥远的地方它也能安全带你回家!更多精彩内容点击《TOYOTA Landcruiser “70” 重温经典》《TOYOTA Landcruiser “70” 重温经典 ②》《TOYOTA Lancdruiser “70” 重温经典 ③》查看。 TOYOTA Landcruiser “70” Series...
Toyota Land Cruiser Venture into the great outdoors with confidence in the Toyota Land Cruiser, a legend in the realm of off-road
TOYOTA Landcruiser “70” Series 1990「 发动机技术提升 」 /1990-New Engine • 1990年,J-70系列全线换装最新研制的发动机系列。 ❶ 车型外观没有改变,侧踏板改为铝制踏板,中网改为树脂材质,减轻车身重量。 ❷ 第一次采用4轮盘式制动,增加电子差速锁,和轴头锁。
如果你要去远方,它将和你一路同行,无论去多么遥远的地方它也能安全带你回家!更多精彩内容点击TOYOTA Landcruiser “70” 重温经典查看。 TOYOTA Landcruiser “70” Series • TOYOTA Landcruiser BJ-70 短轴 软顶 两门 3B发动机「 New Landcruiser 」...