Grand Highlander Hybrid Nightshade Turn heads with Hybrid Nightshade’s looks. Blacked-out front bumper trim, roof rails, mirror caps, door handles, shark-fin antenna and 20-in. wheels boldy put an emphasis on style. Info Confident Stance ...
Research Toyota Grand Highlander model details with Grand Highlander pictures, specs, trim levels, Grand Highlander history, Grand Highlander facts, and more.
性能和腿部空间;这就是我们对丰田的期望,它宣布将在 2023 年芝加哥车展上扩展 Highlander SUV 系列。新命名的 2024 Toyota Grand Highlander 是对流行的三排 SUV 的全新演绎,这是一款全新的更大的 SUV,旨在增强家庭公路旅行,特别是对于坐在第三排座位上的人。丰田汽车在 SUV 定于 2 月 8 日车展前夕全球...
丰田正准备在 2 月 8 日的芝加哥车展上展示其新款 Grand Highlander SUV。上周发布的预告片让我们瞥见了造型方向,但在尺寸方面并没有太多体现。幸运的是,我们设法拍了几张重度伪装版本的照片,这让我们更好地了解了 Grand Highlanders 新发现的长度。在我们近距离观察并查看规格表之前,我们无法完全理解 Grand H...
对于那些需要更大动力和牵引能力的用户来说,还有一个选择就是Grand Highlander Hybrid Max。这是市场上最强大、最通用的混合动力SUV之一。Hybrid Max规格配备了涡轮增压四缸发动机,该发动机可提供362 hp的功率和400 lb-ft的扭矩,这也是丰田目前最强大的中型SUV混合动力系统。可以驱动这台大型车辆在6.3秒内由静止...
2024 Toyota Grand Highlander Toyota The average price paid for the current Highlander was more than $46,600 — $48,801 for the hybrid — during the fourth quarter of last year, according to Edmunds. The Grand Highlander adds to the growing three-row midsize crossover segment in the U....
Toyota has grabbed a significant portion of the “never minivan” crowd with the Highlander, but needed more space to be a van replacement. Enter the 2024 Toyota Grand Highlander, a stretched version of the popular SUV with adult-friendly third-row seats
Grand Highlander搭载的混合动力系统集成了丰田最新的技术,高效驱动(PED)技术使用车载导航功能以及实时交通数据来预测前方的路况从而通过减少加速和制动期间的能量消耗来最大限度地提高燃油效率。纯电动模式也得到改进,提高了该模式下的行驶效率。 Grand Highlander有四种不同的混合动力规格。XLE混合动力、Limited混合动力、...
Toyota's three-row Highlander counts fuel efficiency and the brand's reputation for reliability as its chief advantages, but when compared to other midsize SUVs, it comes up short in one of the most critical metrics: interior space. To counter that drawback, there’s the Grand Highlander,...
The 2024 Toyota Grand Highlander is bigger and roomier than the regular Highlander, but it has more to offer than that. The Grand Highlander has three powertrain options, including an 362-hp hybrid setup from the Toyota Crown quasi-sedan. To improve interior packaging and ride comfort versus...