Sleek, strong and lightweight 19-in. forged-aluminum wheels are wrapped in Michelin®*Pilot® Super Sport tires, to help further optimize acceleration, cornering and braking capabilities.* Info LED Headlights GR Supra’s sculpted front end is punctuated by its signature headlights. Each housing...
Sleek, strong and lightweight 19-in. forged-aluminum wheels are wrapped in Michelin®*Pilot® Super Sport tires, to help further optimize acceleration, cornering and braking capabilities.* Info LED Headlights GR Supra’s sculpted front end is punctuated by its signature headlights. Each housing...
All 2024 GR Supra models come equipped with an 8.8-inch touchscreen display that can also be controlled through a rotary touch controller. GR Supra 2.0 models come equipped with a 4-speaker audio system while the 3.0 models have a 205-Watt, 10-speaker audio system standard. The GR Supra 3...
此外,TOYOTA GAZOO Racing基于勒芒冠军赛车打造的顶级超跑GR Super Sport正在开发之中,未来必将助力丰田集团跻身世界顶级Hypercar制造商的行列之中。目前,Phantom Pro Racing魅影赛车已购入GR SUPRA GT4赛车,新车将于2022年初完成交付。魅影赛车未来将作为目前中国唯一运营GR SUPRA GT4赛车的车队,把TOYOTA GAZOO Racing...
TS050街道版了解一下,丰田Toyota GR Super Sport concept,动力照搬原型车2.4L V6双涡轮增压引擎配合8电机混合动力系统,最大综合功率超过986匹,期待它与奔驰PJ1、阿斯顿马丁女武神同场竞技![馋嘴]
车侧来看,GR SUPRA的车头较为修长,座舱位置整体靠后,搭配短促的车尾设计使得其车身比例极富运动美感。此外,它还搭配一套19寸的轻量化轮毂,以及MichelinPilot Super Sport轮胎(前轮胎尺寸255/35 R19,后轮胎275/35 R19);车尾部分,其后厢盖上沿边翘的后扰流板造型非常独特,整体看起来动感十足,也非常时尚。
That appears to be changing, however, and the most dramatic evidence yet is this Toyota GR Super Sport concept. Unveiled in a somewhat low-key fashion at the Tokyo auto salon (the Japanese equivalent to the SEMA show), the GR Super Sport concept is a project of Toyota’s in-house ...
Gedetailleerde LEGO® replica van de legendarische, high-performance Toyota GR Supra sportwagen. Realistische replica, ook mooi om neer te zetten Autofans zullen graag deze miniversie van de beroemde Toyota GR Supra bouwen – perfect als displaymodel en voor spannende race actie. ...
轮毂方面,GR SUPRA TRACK采用了全新的19英寸双五辐式哑光黑轮毂,搭配米其林定制的Pilot Super Sport轮胎,进一步提升了车辆的性能操控。新车还在扰流尾翼上增加了碳纤维扰流板,这一设计不仅美观,更能有效提升车辆的下压力和行驶稳定性。内饰方面,GR SUPRA TRACK同样进行了精心打造。中控台与GR SUPRA保持相似,但增加了...
从该公司在勒芒24小时耐力赛车展上说展示的原型车来看,这部公路合法跑车的车身将与专业赛车高度相似。据推测,GR Super Sport同样将配置一台3.5升双涡轮增压V6引擎机,并拥有与赛车相同的内置推杆阻尼器和双叉杆悬挂设置。而且由于没有任何FIA/ACO的动力法规约束,这部公路跑车的动力将更为强大。