FJ Cruiser 是 Toyota 在2007年北美车展上所发表的一款复古式样越野车, 采用了经典复刻风格的 FJ Cruiser 其实是要向前辈 FJ40 致敬。那作为一辆复古式的越野车,FJ Cruiser 的外观可说是非常“硬派”以及“经典”,在车头前脸部分,FJ Cruiser 采用了非常越野风味的设计,包括粗壮的水箱护罩以及前保险杠等,并搭配圆形...
203 -- 0:27 App FJ-40 Restomod Premiering: Sema Battle of the Builders on th 1077 -- 3:14 App 【共庆40周年】Toyota LAND CRUISER 70系列 四十周年纪念影片 1815 1 13:49 App 【转载】1985 Toyota 4x4 Pickup Truck 273 -- 2:21 App RC4WD TF2 LWD (Toyota sr5)农作出行 4335 3 3:...
这款车虽然在东马受欢迎可是全球市场并不是这样看待FJ Cruiser的,日前Toyota就表示因为销售成绩不佳,因此原厂将在今年的8月停产FJ Cruiser! FJ Cruiser是在2006年推出,外形非常的粗旷并且采用复古风,搭载的引擎是一具4.0L V6的自然进气引擎,变速箱是5速自排和6速手排,最大马力272ps,峰值扭力380Nm,并且有适时四...
一贯保守的丰田居然造出了如此一款卡通味十足的产品,这的确有点难以置信.其实厂方的本意是打造一款具有FJ40神韵的复古车型,却阴差阳错地迎合了年轻人宣扬个性的心态.用传统的眼光看,FJ Cruiser绝对是丰田车型中的另类.习惯了凯美瑞,卡罗拉,兰德酷路泽的中规中矩,FJ Cruiser在设计上带来的感受已不是一个"新颖"就能...
Steering:Left;Emission Standard:Euro VI;Engine Capacity:4.1 - 6L;Year:2022;Month:5;Mileage:1-25000 Miles;Make:Toyota;Model:FJ Cruiser;Type:SUV;Fuel:Diesel;Engine Type:Naturally aspirated;Cylinders:6;Maximum Power(Ps):300-400Ps;Gear Box:Automatic;Forward
丰田陆地巡洋舰。丰田陆地巡洋舰(Toyota Land Cruiser)是丰田汽车公司生产的一款越野SUV,被广泛认为是世界上最耐用和可靠的越野车型之一。其历史可以追溯到1951年,第一代陆地巡洋舰在二战结束后开始生产,至今已经发展到第八代 - 机械狂徒于20240206发布在抖音,已经收
Toyota signals that it’s about to flex its off-road muscle in the electric SUV vehicle segment with the Compact Cruiser EV Concept.
but there is also a 6-speed manual base model. In UAE, the manual gearbox is not offered anymore, with the 2021 Toyota FJ Cruiser GXR model coming with power steering, power windows, central locking, manual A/C, infotainment system with a 12-inch screen, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, na...
Toyota FJ Cruiser Car Review Image source: TheFJ Cruisercategorized as a sports utility vehicle(SUV) that has inherited off-road performance and styling from the original car model which is FJ40 Toyota Land Cruisers. Toyota Fj Cruiser Variants ...
另外,Fj Cruiser 搭载了一具4.0L V6 自然进气引擎,并搭配5速自排或是6速手排变速箱,最大马力为268Hp,峰值扭力380Nm。而在越野部分,采用非承载式底盘让 FJ Cruiser 拥有强悍的越野表现,并且有四驱系统,后轴差速锁定,中央差速自动锁定以及机械式加力箱,论越野,FJ Cruiser 没怕过!