The FJ Cruiser is the definitive SUVWith a powerful 4 litre, V6 engine, it is equipped to take‑on and conquer any terrain, and keep coming back for more. And with cool, retro styling and an amazing sound system, you, your family and friends are sure to have great fun going places...
elegance in two distinct grades. Land Cruiser 1958 is a back-to-basics homage to the original FJ25, with iconic round headlights and fabric seats. Land Cruiser grade elevates the ride further with more trail-ready tech, leather-trimmed seating and rectangular headlights inspired by the FJ62. ...
elegance in two distinct grades. Land Cruiser 1958 is a back-to-basics homage to the original FJ25, with iconic round headlights and fabric seats. Land Cruiser grade elevates the ride further with more trail-ready tech, leather-trimmed seating and rectangular headlights inspired by the FJ62. ...
↑ 由@Herr•Guo 拍摄,一台悬挂北京外籍黑牌的丰田FJ Cruiser前期版,车身非常整洁。↑ 这台FJ Cruiser前期版带有天窗,同时后视镜带有照射灯,应该为2006年进口的美规款式。FJ Cruiser仅有一个车身代号,为GSJ15,可见其仅搭载有一款动力,即1GR型4.0升V6自吸汽油引擎。这款引擎匹配5速自动变速器,最大可输出...
除此之外,2011年款的FJ Cruiser还增加了宝石蓝/眩金橙等车漆、10扬声器音响等配置,动力参数也有所提高,售价也涨到了54万元左右。 ↑ 2011年款的国行丰田FJ Cruiser。 2014年前后,官方进口的国行版FJ Cruiser就停售了,随后国内销售的FJ Cruiser,均为平行进口商带来的中东版,并且不少都装备了中东版所特有的Xtre...
Toyota FJ Cruiser被传停产很多次了,但都不是真正的停产,2014年退出美国市场,2017年退出日本市场,但中东市场一直有售,现在中东版也要停产了,2023最终版将限量1000台,价格未公布。 #汽车##丰田##汽车资讯# ...
FJCruiser旅行版在配置上进行了升级,增加了导航系统、JBL音响、加热前排座椅和车顶行李架。FJCruiserTRD在外观和性能上进行了升级,新增TRD运动套件、18英寸铝合金轮毂、TRD排气管等。 FJ酷路泽的售价比较高,售价在40万元左右。FJCruiser旅行版和FJCruiserTRD售价更高,分别在45万元和50万元左右。
Discover the ultimate restoration of the Toyota FJ40 at ECD Auto Design. Customize your own legendary FJ40 Land Cruiser or explore our exclusive inventory, each crafted to combine rugged heritage with modern luxury.
1955年,LandCruiser20系列诞生,在舒适性和车内空间上做了调整,并且还换上了功率更强的发动机,这台发动机是丰田F型直列六缸发动机,因为发动机的特殊性,LandCruiser系列也被人称为FJ系列。 1960年,20系列迎来了升级换代,40系列来了。为了FJ40的推出,丰田购买了许多新型的钢材冲压设备来对车子进行升级改良。大部分的FJ4...