Engineered for better efficiency, Camry’s all-hybrid powertrain has up to a 51 combined estimated mpg.*With an impressive up to 232 net combined hp and available Electronic On-Demand All-Wheel Drive (AWD) capability, it will keep the good drives going. ...
Engineered for better efficiency, Camry’s all-hybrid powertrain has up to a 51 combined estimated mpg.*With an impressive up to 232 net combined hp and available Electronic On-Demand All-Wheel Drive (AWD) capability, it will keep the good drives going. ...
An advanced Human-Machine Interface, crafted in a luxurious interior design. FIND OUT MORE Performance Feel Liberated Experience an all-empowering performance FIND OUT MORE Safety SRS Airbags The vehicle is equipped with 6 SRS Airbags that inflate and reduce the risk of injury to the occupants, wh...
Drive thrillingly & efficiently in the 2025 Toyota Camry Hybrid & personalize Camry with stylish available extras & protective packages designed for safety & convenience
Discover the electrified power and efficiency behind the Toyota Corolla Hybrid, Camry Hybrid, Prius, and Crown, and see which of these Toyota hybrid cars is perfect for you.
丨 13年前的丰田凯美瑞混动/Toyota Camry Hybrid AHV41 ■记录身边有趣的车 在一汽丰田将第二代普锐斯停产的隔年,也就是2010年,丰田广受“刹车门”事件影响,也是在同一年,广汽丰田引进了另外一款混动车型进行生产销售,以展示自己的前瞻技术,那就是本文即将提及的佳美/凯美瑞(图片|配置|询价)六代240HG/HV混动...
偶尔会在高速公路上行驶在崎岖不平的路面上时变得不稳定。事实证明道路噪音很烦人,风似乎使门板嘎嘎作响。我们可以预见地看到了出色的燃油经济性,表明远高于 40 mpg,但它缺乏改进会让我们在向需要日常驾驶的潜在买家推荐 Camry SE Hybrid,Nightshade 或否之前三思而后行。
第9 代 Camry 在美国市场取消了纯燃油引擎,仅提供 2.5L Hybrid 油电动力,搭载 2.5L 自然进气四缸引擎,导入最新的第五代油电系统(THS 5),与电动马达结合,其中 FWD 前驱版拥有 225hp 综效马力;AWD 全驱版则有 232hp 综效马力。 至于未来 Camry 在其它市场否会提供 2.4L Turbo 引擎,取代原本的 3.5L V6...
本次改款的「All New CAMRY」,以全新外觀造型顛覆世人目光。HYBRID車型以專屬的網狀設計進氣壩展演先進風格,LED頭燈,能以更明亮節能的照明,點亮行經的每一吋道路。車尾俐落細緻的鍍鉻飾條自中央延伸至兩側寶石光澤般的LED尾燈,使新車前後造型完美呼應。