The all-new 4Runner is the ultimate tool for powering through, crawling over and diving into your world of adventure. DRAG TO ROTATE SELECT A COLOR Ice Cap Prices and colors may vary by model. Event ends in 12 days View Offer 4Runner Specs ...
Embark on any adventure with confidence. 4Runner is ready to take the challenge on- or off-road. DRAG TO ROTATE SELECT A COLOR Ice Cap Prices and colors may vary by model. See All Specs HORSEPOWER 270 HP TORQUE 278 Lb.-Ft. ENGINE ...
对于增加的成本,您还可以要求丰田为4Runner Venture Edition配备一个可选的滑动后行李箱盖。对于4Runner Venture Edition的所有未来所有者而言,这不是强制性的,但对于那些需要比标准版4Runner所提供的更多的存储空间和访问方式的人来说,它可能会派上用场。伙计们,这不仅仅是关于行李架。 不出所料,2020年丰田4Runn...
With a simple and rugged interior and a large cargo hold, the 4Runner is a highly capable off-roader that you'll have to tolerate on the way to the dirt.
北美独享Toyota 4Runner为越野而生 2020年式新增军绿涂装 图文/7car 小七车观点 4Runner 是 Toyota 专为北美市场所开发的 SUV,近期 Toyota 又针对这款具有强劲越野性能得休旅车推出 2020 年式的车型,外观上与旧款并没有差异,主要是新增了一款专属的军绿色(Army Green)涂装。配备上,2020 年式的 4Runner 在...
丰田超霸4Runner在美国及加拿大销售,在当地越野爱好者中享有盛誉,连续多年被北美地区的消费者评为最耐用的越野车,今天我们就来看看这台车。 2020款丰田超霸外观整体设计风,不刻意追求高档,前脸进攻性十足越野车范儿更浓,非承载车身以及各种硬派设计,国内又称“超霸”。平直的线条勾勒出不错的力量感。车头造型十分复杂...
The mid-size 4Runner off-roader enters a new generation for the 2025 model year, and while it retains a rugged exterior, what's underneath is all modern.
2025年款 丰田4Runner ( 参数 | 询价 ) 正式在全球首发。这一次,新一代的硬派越野7人座SUV基于TNGA-F平台打造,同时搭载了2.4L涡轮增压+混合动力引擎,提供326马力+630牛米的动力输出。新车在越野性能和豪华感方面都有更出色的表现。经过15年的等待,丰田终于推出了全新一代的硬派越野7座SUV 4Runner。这次在...
See our expert review on the 2024 Toyota 4Runner and where it ranks among other midsize SUVs. Research the ratings, prices, pictures, MPG and more.