AD Classics: White U / Toyo ItoNakanoPritzker PrizeToyo ItoArchdaily
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【精选】Lecture-3-Toyo-Ito-II分析PPT课件 Lecture-3-Toyo-Ito-II分析 白色之环WhiteU1976中野本町之家 追求空间之美的感性 从将轴线给拿掉,并把入口置于靠近末端的那瞬间开始这个建筑的内部变脱离了直线型的那种僵硬的空间而成为U字形的‘白色之环’于是这个徐缓悠游在我意识当中的白色之环便开始给予我接下来...
2013年普利兹克奖获得者伊东丰雄(Toyo Ito)“从僵化的网格中寻求自由,他感兴趣于空间与空间、外部和内部、建筑和周围环境之间的关系。他的作品从自然原理中汲取灵感,在有机结构、建筑表皮之间实现了统一就证明了这一点。” 他的建筑具有“与时空主题密切相关”的特性,他用一种“以不变应万变”的古老哲学进行着建...
White U, one of Ito's first works. Image © Koji Taki One of his first, in 1971, was a home called “Aluminum House,” which consisted of a wooden frame completely covered in aluminum. In 1976, he designed “White U”, a home for his sister (pictured above), which generated a ...
White U House by Toyo Ito: A Striking Residential Design in Tokyo December 16, 2019 Toyo Ito, the acclaimed Japanese architect, created the stunning White U House in 1976 as a tribute to his late brother-in-law, with the intention of providing a serene and tranquil… ...
1984 – Silver Hut (Ito's own house, adjacent to White U) 1986 – Tower of Winds, Yokohama 1991 – Yatsushiro Municipal Museum 1994 – Old People's Home in Yatsushiro 2001 – Sendai Mediatheque: a multi-function complex accommodating a mixed programme of library, art gallery, audio-visual ...
White U (1976) 或许在大环境而非个人意愿的影响下,伊东的早期作品多半是住宅类。在这些项目中, 值得注意的是White U (1976), 一个为他丧偶的姐姐做的一个内向的房子——一个由大都市感官刺激而发的住宅。在80年代,伊东的作品更多地关注不同的社会问题层面,这些也是我们今日定义他的风格的由来。伊东常在支持...
Most of Ito’s early works are private residences, including the 1976 White U house he designed for his sister. It was the unusal serene geometry and monastic materiality of this project that brought attention to the young Ito’s work. Through much of the 1980s he pursued minimalist tactics...
As one of the leading architects of Japan's increasingly highly-regarded architecture culture, 2013 Pritzker Laureate Toyo Ito (born June 1, 1941) has defined his career by combining elements of minimalism with an embrace of