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读音:美英 toyo ito基本解释 伊东丰雄;建筑师伊东丰雄;伊东豊雄 分词解释 toyo日本东洋 ITO[地名] [摩洛哥] 伊图 toyo ito是什么意思 toyo ito怎么读 toyo ito在线翻译 toyo ito中文意思 toyo ito的解释 toyo ito的发音 toyo ito意思是什么 toyo ito怎么翻译 toyo ito的中文翻译 toyo ito的意思翻译 toyo ito...
toyo ito Olivari designers SEOUL, 1941 Although he is born in Korea, Ito is Japanese and graduates in architecture in Tokyo in 1965. After his debut in the Metabolist movement at the head of the Urban Robot studio, he opens the Toyo Ito & Associates firm in 1979....
2013年普利兹克奖获得者伊东丰雄(Toyo Ito)“从僵化的网格中寻求自由,他感兴趣于空间与空间、外部和内部、建筑和周围环境之间的关系。他的作品从自然原理中汲取灵感,在有机结构、建筑表皮之间实现了统一就证明了这一点。” 他的建筑具有“与时空主题密切相关”的特性,他用一种“以不变应万变”的古老哲学进行着建...
Toyo Ito (伊東 豊雄 Itō Toyoo?, born 1 June 1941) is a Japanese architect known for creating conceptual architecture, in which he seeks to simultaneously express the physical and virtual worlds. He is a leading exponent of architecture that addresses the contemporary notion of a "simulated" ...
Toyo Ito: complesso comunitario a Yokohama = Community center in YokohamaIncludes a day care center for the elderly. Built 1996-1997, in Higashinagaya.Ito
Toyo Ito donates early-career archive to the Canadian Centre for Architecture News Singapore Institute of Architects announces recipients of Gold Medal and Architectural Design Awards News Toyo Ito completes work on the largest mass timber building in Asia News Blueprint Beijing: Ma Yansong invites ...
Toyo Ito8 Cabinets Of Curiosities By Famous Architects A new book revives the ancient tradition of the Wunderkammer, or "wonder-room." See what this group of world-renowned designers--including Todd Williams, Billie Tsien, Richard Meier, Shigeru Ban, and more-- showcased in their boxes of ...
3D printed ring is shaped around a reflecting solitaire stone from$139by RADIAN Jewelryfrom germany souleaf wall art visualizes the luminous photosynthetic process $28by ilsangisangfrom south korea the fuji t-shirt celebrates the greatest climb in the world ...
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