Toyo Eatery不但是被誉为菲律宾的最佳餐厅, 也是在今天年亚洲最佳餐厅的24位, 并不少大家耳熟能详的餐厅, 如Caprice等更高. 今次来到马尼拉, 最... 展开评价 回应 2024-06-30 17:32 蛋糕头麻麻de水龙头 2023AsiaBest50佳餐厅的No.42也是我目前在🇵🇭吃过的环境最干净最优质且菜品也Super可口的菲律宾菜系...
Toyo is one of the latest addition to the local dining scene, another off-the-beaten-track Makati eatery that is well worth hunting down. It may be named after a humble condiment (soy sauce, no less), but this bold flavour-pusher promises to raise the ga