玩具模型 一般用作示例
《A First Toy Model: When Does the Meeting Start?》是一个最简单的MFG例子,这里甚至没有出现微分方程,是一个单次静态博弈;但里面处理问题的思想可以沿用到后面HJB-FP方程存在唯一性的证明中。 这个模型还有很多变种,如引入微分方程,把每个人的迟到因素用随机微分方程来刻画。以及可以考虑有限参与者的情况,对于N...
2d-toy-model.ipynb 2d-toy-model.xml 3d-toy-model.ipynb 3d-toy-model.xml C2-sph1_gly_au-0036_cp_masks.png C2-sph1_gly_au-0036_segmentedWithCellpose.png LICENSE README.md requirements.txt README.md spatial-model-editor.github.io/toy-models 2d toy model A 2d toy model ...
toy-model:这是一种全球海洋的混合模型,具有简化的控制方程式,可应对大规模的环流 开发技术 - 其它 - toy-model:这是一种全球海洋的混合模型,具有简化的控制方程式,可应对大规模的环Bi**er 上传128KB 文件格式 zip JupyterNotebook 玩具模型 这是一种全球海洋的混合模型,具有简化的控制方程式,可进行大规模的环流...
hobby model toy boat modèle réduit de bateau toy railroad models chemins de fer miniatures pour enfants 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“toy model"翻译成 法文 变形干 匹配词 错误 最受欢迎的查询列表:1K,~2K,~3K,~4K,~5K,~5-10K,~10-20K,~20-50K,~50-100K,~100k-200K,~200-500K,~1M...
题目:Toy-Model Experiments Inspired by Geophysical Phenomena | 智能与仿生力学系列讲座 报告人:Jun Zhang(New York University, USA) 时间:2023年3月7日(周二) 22:00 主办方:西湖大学流体智能与信息化实验室、百度飞桨 Jun Zhang New York University, USA (jun@cims.nyu.edu) https://physics.nyu.edu/...
Seungwoo-Hwang/toy-modelmaster 1 Branch 0 Tags Code Folders and files Latest commit Seungwoo-Hwang Update remark in [toy_simpleNN.py] and [preprocess.py] 984633f· Mar 2, 2021 History8 Commits __pycache__ OUTCAR main.py preprocess.py toy_simpleNN.py ...
A parabolic toy-model for the incompressible Navier–Stokes system is considered. This model shares a lot of similar features with the incompressible model, including the energy inequality, the scaling symmetry, and it is also supercritical in 3D. A goal is to establish some regularity results ...
In physics, a toy model is a simplified set of objects and equations relating them that can nevertheless be used to understand a mechanism that is also useful in the full, non-simplified theory. * In "toy" mathematical models, this is usually done by reducing the number of dimensions or ...
this model is sure to delight and inspire. **A Collector's Item and a Gift of Adventure** This model is more than just a toy; it's a collector's item that captures the spirit of adventure. It's a piece that can be cherished for years to come, a reminder of the joy of travel ...