Woody was originally going to be a dummy and was not a cowboy. In the original story pitch ofToy Story, Woody had a markedly more distasteful personality; having the character of one whom had let his role as "leader" go to his head and had little compassion towards his peers. One nota...
Mean Creek(2004) Madylin Sweeten Woman #1 (voice) Everybody Loves Raymond(1996) Hannah Unkrich Molly Davis (voice) Toy Story 2(1999) Lee Unkrich Red Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot (voice) Coco(I)(2017) Robert Goulet Wheezy (uncredited) ...
was changed to a stuffed cowboy doll with a pull-string and named Woody forWesternactor Woody Strode. The difference between the old and new toy led to a conflict between their personalities. Lasseter wanted the film to not be a musical, but a buddy film, with the story department drawing...
“Toy Story” creates a universe out of a couple of kid’s bedrooms, a gas station, and a stretch of suburban highway. Its heroes are toys, which come to life when nobody is watching. Its conflict is between an old-fashioned cowboy who has always been a little boy’s favorite toy,...
toy story英语作文 English: Toy Story is a heartwarming and timeless animated film that follows the adventures of a group of toys belonging to a boy named Andy. The story revolves around the toys’ lives when Andy is not around and centers on the rivalrybetween a cowboy doll named Woody ...
玩具总动员3Toy Story中英对照剧本 钞票钞票钞票Money, money, money. Hey!今天你和正义有个约会独眼巴特You got a date with justice, oneEyed Bart.真糟糕警长我已经结婚了Too bad, Sheriff. I 'm a married man.独眼贝蒂OneEyed Betty!先生你的东西掉了I think you dropped something, mister.洁西束手就擒...
内容提示: 员 玩具总动员 1Toy Story 中英对照剧本 大家注意 这是抢劫 通通都不准动 All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move! 掏空保险箱 Now, empty that safe! 钱钱钱 Oohhoohoo! Money, money, money! 住手 住手 可恶的蛋头 Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato...
Youmeanthathappychild?Thatain'tnohappychild.Hetorturestoys,justforfun! 那个天真的小孩?他才不天真呢。折磨那些玩具是他的最爱! Well,thenwe'vegottodosomething. 那我们必须想个办法。 Whatareyoudoing?Getdownfromthere! 你在干什么?快下来! I'mgonnateachthatboyalesson.Yeah,sure.Yougoahead.Melthimwithyou...
Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this. 拜托,各位,每年圣诞节和生日我们都熬过来了。 But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one? I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection! 但是如果安弟有了新恐龙呢?很凶狠的那种?我想我是绝对受不了被抛弃的打...
You mean that happy child? That ain't no happy child. He tortures toys, just for fun! 那个天真的小孩?他才不天真呢。折磨那些玩具是他的最爱! Well, then we've got to do something. 那我们必须想个办法。 What are you doing? Get down from there!