The film's first teaser trailer was released with the Disney Digital 3-D version of the filmUpon May 29,2009.[9]On October 2, 2009Toy StoryandToy Story 2were re-released as a double feature in Disney Digital 3-D.[10]The first full-length trailer was attached as an exclusive sneak pe...
Beautiful Disney Toy Story: Smash It! 3D Block-Breaker Game Arrives on iOS and Android By Cult of Android • 5:14 pm, February 28, 2013 We got it wrong last week, when we thought a cryptic Disney teaser was a clue to something we’ve been salivating over for a few months: the ...
but was eventually pushed to 2019 so thatThe Incredibles 2could come out sooner rather than later. Actress Annie Potts then explained in June that the film actually got delayed becausePixar was rewritingToy Story 4. It's also worth mentioning that writers Rashida Jones and...