Ram Man is not known as an overthinker. He’s not dumb, he just doesn’t want to take over responsibility. He’s a hammer, a destroyer. The smart guys can figure out what to smash when, and what to do with whatever Ram Man left. In titfortat, there’s no one to tell him what...
Undead Ninja Army Sets Undead Ninja Army Weapons Set Feel Toys Trumpet Sleeve Sexy Mesh Dress Set FeelWoToys Vintage Gas Pumps Flagset PLA Navymarine Corps Great Twins Terminator 2: Judgement Day - T-800 Mezco Toyz One:12th Collective Noir Toyz 19th Century Dark Knight (Deluxe Version...
grieve grieved grieving grim gross grotesque grouchy grouse grovel growl grubby gruesome grumpy guarded guilt guilty gullible gushy gut gutless gyp haggard halt hammer hamper handcuff handicap haphazard hapless harangue harass hard-line hard-liner hardest hardship harm Harry harsh harshness hassle hasty ha...
Science fiction author Charlie Jane Anders (Victories Greater Than Death) brought abundant charisma to the stage for her Ci10 keynote. Her hot-pink bob, matching Doc Martens, and neon-confetti-dotted black dress reinforced her energy. She delivered her talk, “Magical Portals Are Real, and I ...
“cameras” are put at floor level so you’re looking up at these kids like they’re monsters about to bite your head off. I remember a POV shot from Lightyear’s perspective as his face is used to hammer blocks into slots. It just puts you right into the action, there’s all ...
ΜιαΒόλτααπό ταΚεντρικά του Metal Hammer: ΤοπιοΣκληρό Περιοδικό της Χώρας ΑνοίγειταΧαρτιά του Ένας Άνδρας, οΑλέκος Παναγούλης –ΗΙστορ...
Feel Toys Trumpet Sleeve Sexy Mesh Dress Set FeelWoToys Vintage Gas Pumps Flagset PLA Navymarine Corps Great Twins Terminator 2: Judgement Day - T-800 Mezco Toyz One:12th Collective Noir Toyz 19th Century Dark Knight (Deluxe Version) Patriot Studio Arthur Joker Fleck (Deluxe Version)...
Anubis: Guardian of the Underworld (1:12 Scale) Arhian the Pirate (1:12 Scale) Arhian: City of Horrors (1:12 Scale) Arkhalla: Queen of the Vampires (1:12 Scale) Captain Sparta (Wonder Festival) (1:12 Scale) Death Dealer (1:12 Scale) Female Seamless Bodies Male Seamless Bo...
Feel Toys Trumpet Sleeve Sexy Mesh Dress Set FeelWoToys Vintage Gas Pumps Flagset PLA Navymarine Corps Great Twins Terminator 2: Judgement Day - T-800 Mezco Toyz One:12th Collective Noir Toyz 19th Century Dark Knight (Deluxe Version) Patriot Studio Arthur Joker Fleck (Deluxe Version)...
The first figure has Usopp is his normal green shirt and brown overalls, his slingshot in one hand, and his occasionally used “5-ton” hammer in the other. He also came with a small Tony Tony Chopper figure, assumably to sweeten the deal to One Piece fans who usually put Usopp on ...