I usually try to visit flea markets, yard sales and antique stores in the late spring, summer and fall seasons. Most of the time I don’t find too many toy soldiers of interest to me. But the last couple of years I have been lucky to find some nice items. A couple of years ago ...
You can smell this, can't you? Whether you stuck to the traditional way of firing these rolls of gunpowder in your cap gun, went rogue and smashed them with a rock, or really went all out and made them go off with your thumbnail, it's amazing to think we played like little bank r...
I had this growing up, and he was the Go-Bot version of Transformer's Megatron. I don't remember if he was a bad guy or not, but he transformed into a gun. The weirdest part about this toy, for me, was the fact that he looked like he was wearing a hat (that telescoped into...
These were the actual toys that were available in toy stores here in the Netherlands where I grew up and I love the fact that they contain Dutch on the packaging. There’s such a strong nostalgic connection there for me, it was almost inevitable that I would try to collect every single ...
Living in Yakima, I don't get up to Ellensburg often, but when I do, I make sure to visit a handful of stores. Such stores as: Central City Comics, The Old Mill Country Store, Windy City Toys & Collectibles, Jerrol's, and Toy Stable. ...
The wide street near the bridge was blocked by a big, ugly barricade consisting of log squares filled with sand; looking like toy cubes left on the table by a child, square, concrete gun emplacements with four embrasures towered at the corners of the bridge. chv-corpus John, you're a...
I mean, her boots are stuck in her hair and her makeup looks like it was applied with a paint gun. That's not a real-life scenario. I just can't see anyone taking this concept seriously enough to be offended. The little quotes underneath that picture might be more troubling--like sa...
Perhaps the most famous BB gun of all time, the Red Ryder BB Gun was modeled after Winchester rifles and named for a beloved fictional comic book hero. Naturally, most folks know it today as the toy the young narrator of “A Christmas Story” pines after, only to be told repeatedly that...
"Time to come with us, Rudy," one of the men said sneeringly. He pulled out a gun, and held it trained on the movie star. With a smirk he told Valentino, "Mr. De Mille is waiting for you at the studio." Suddenly, a dozen of Moe's men converged on the two gangsters, emerging...
into some of the poses I want, I might legit considering making the ML White Rabbit an ‘A+’ figure. That temptation is removed by a lack of upper body articulation making it harder to pose her with her umbrella gun than I’d like, but make no mistake: I love me this action ...