in puffer fish so far, however, tetrodotoxin and its analogs have been detected from the fermentation products of marine bacteria. Tetrodotoxin is thought to originate from ingestion. Researchers believe that the food chain is the main accumulation pathway of tetrodotoxin. To prove its origin, severa...
Puffer Fish Armed with Toxin in Addition to Its Spiny BodyCOURTESY GREG TURNBULLA dead ulua, or jack, washed up on Kailua Beach recently after having tried...Scott, Susan Total Synthesis of Tetrodotoxin from d-Glucose Tetrodotoxin (20, Scheme 5) is a well-known marine toxin originally isolated from puffer fish. Several groups have succeeded in the total synthesis of tetrodotoxin. Sato et al. reported a synthesis of tetrodotoxin employing the Henry reaction...
(Zoology) a highly lethal neurotoxin found in certain puffer fish and in newts of the genusTaricha. Formula: C11H17N3O3 [C20: from New LatinTetrodon(puffer fish genus name, from Greektetra-fourfold +odont-tooth) + toxin] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 201...
Meanwhile, 8 live specimens of puffer Takifugu niphobles were also assayed. The toxicity of cooked fish liver was 280 ± 20 mouse units per gram (MU/g). All specimens of T. niphobles showed high toxicity (more than 850 MU/g) in the liver. The toxin from cooked fish liver and liver...
As puffer fish may containtoxin,officers of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) would advise the trader [...] 由於河豚可能含有毒素,如果食物環境衞生署 (“食環署”)的人員在巡查街市或其他商鋪時發現有人售賣 ...
Toxins in ovaries and livers of the puffer fish, Fugu flavidus, were purified successively on activated charcoal, Bio-Gel P-2 and Bio-Rex 70. Besides tetrodotoxin (TTX), a minor toxin (toxin D) was newly detected in both tissues; toxin D accounted for 3% and 4% of the totl lethal ...
Jang JH, Lee JS, Yotsu-Yamashita M (2010) LC/MS analysis of tetrodotoxin and its deoxy analogs in the marine puffer fish Fugu niphobles from the southern coast of Korea, and in the brackishwater puffer fishes Tetraodon nigroviridis and Tetraodon biocellatus from Southeast Asia. Mar Drugs 8...
(Ref. 21). The frog failed to synthesize the toxin from[1--4C]-acetate, and the Fl frogs reared in captivity completely lacked the toxin. Inter-estingly, the puffer fish, Fugu rubripes rubripes commercially grown in Japan are completelydevoid of toxicity when they are hatched from eggs and...
Tetraodon poisoning is caused by the ingestion of certain species of pufferlike fish found in Far Eastern waters. These fishes contain a potent, heat-stable toxin that affects the human nervous system, producing symptoms within minutes. Dizziness and tingling about the lips and tongue may soon…Re...