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Development and assessment of a complete-detoxication strategy for Fuzi (lateral root of Aconitum carmichaeli) and its application in rheumatoid arthritis ... Ethnopharmacological relevance Fuzi (lateral root of Aconitum carmichaeli) is a popular traditional Chinese medicine well known for its both the...
38. Its frequency increases with age and is associated with decreased survival time from all causes, including cancers39. To our knowledge, no causal link has been established. We first used CRISPR–Cas9-mediated targeted Y chromosome elimination and shortening to model Y chromosome loss in a can...
Effect of sporulation medium and its divalent cation content on the heat and high pressure resistance of Clostridium botulinum type E spores Clostridium (C) botulinum type E belongs to the non-proteolytic physiological C botulinum group II and produces the highly potent Botulinum neurotoxin E (B.....
Increasing utilization of stabilized iron sulfides (FeS) nanoparticles implies an elevated release of the materials into the environment. To understand potential impacts and underlying mechanisms of nanoparticle-induced stress, we used the transcriptome
Pesticide Degradations, Residues and Environmental Concerns Chapter © 2017 Banned Pesticides with High Persistence: The Impact of Their Use in Agriculture and Their Removal by Microbial Biodegradation Chapter © 2023 Pesticides: Types, Toxicity and Recent Updates on Bioremediation Strategies Chap...
(Rozmanet al., 1993;Rozmanet al., 1996;Rozman and Doull, 1998;Rozman, 1998). Most toxicologists are familiar with Haber’s rule ofinhalation toxicologyand its applicability to war gases and some solvents. Much less attention has been given to Druckrey’s work, which extended thec×tconcept...
Theacute toxicityofniclosamideto a variety of mammalian species is low by all normal routes of exposure. This is true both for free niclosamide (Table 57.5) and its ethanolamine salt (Andrewset al., 1983). It is much more toxic by intravenous administration with an LD50in rats of 7.5 mg/...
Controversial and inconsistent results on the eco-toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) are commonly found in recorded studies and more experimental works are therefore warranted to elucidate the nanotoxicity and its underlying precise mechanisms. Toxicities of five types of TiO2 NPs with different partic...
Bacci L, Crespo ALB, Galvan TL, Pereira EJG, Picanco MC, Silva GA, Chediak M (2007) Toxicity of insecticides to the sweetpotato whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and its natural enemies. Pest Manag Sci 63:699–706 Article CAS Google Scholar Benamú MA, Schneider MI, Gonzalez A, Sánchez...