The present work reports a complete and detailed description of a dog's systemic toxic reaction to bee stings, including history, clinical signs, laboratory findings, emergency care and development, as well as possible association with later immunomediated arthritis. Case: A 6-year-o...
Allergic reaction to bee stings is like other allergic reactions. Mild reactions are treated with an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine. If a more severe reaction develops, epinephrine should be administered [47]. Epinephrine was available in 77.8% of the surveyed hospitals. This was also importan...
Food allergyAllergic reaction to a food caused by an oversensitive reaction of the body's immune systemEggs, milk, wheat, fish, shellfish, nuts, peanuts, soybean, rice PharmacologicalAbsorption of certain amines from foods containing high amounts ...
"A combination of an allergic reaction and a massive exposure can be directly toxic," said Yen. A single insect sting is usually not that dangerous, unless the person is severely allergic to that particular insect's venom, according to Yen. "People who know they have a bee allergy, we ha...
local co-working social activist, Giorgio Baracco, took an impulsive trip to Athens to inquire if we could be interested in a massive project: his historically pivotal city of Alessandria at the edge of the Piedmont floodplains had a reflex reaction to pesky foreigners…Concrete actions:(down at...
. When you really see things from someone else’s perspective, you might spot a pathway to a solution that may previously have been unseen. Taking time to consider how someone else views a situation can also prevent an instantaneous and overly emotional reaction that you may come to regret....
The wasp belongs to the family Vespidae, a subgroup of the class Hymenoptera (membrane-winged insects). While mild symptoms are frequently observed in response to a single wasp sting, multiple wasp stings can cause severe poisoning and toxic reactions. Case Report: We ...
A 62-year-old man with a history of bee allergy presented with severe eye pain one day after being stung in the eye by a bee. Figure A shows corneal oedema due to endothelial toxicity secondary to bee venom. Despite ideal management of intensive topical steroids and antibiotic drops, the ...
A 32-year-old male was suspected to have sustained a bee sting corneal injury. He developed corneal edema with infiltrates and severe anterior segment inflammation with cells, flare, and posterior synechiae. He was managed with fortified antibiotics for 48 hours followed by the addition of topical...