This is not a complete list. Just because a flower isn't listed here doesn't mean that torts can eat it. For tortoise safe plants and flowers visitEdibleLandscaping.
However, exudate collected from the tall glandular trichomes triggered vein cutting, thus documenting for the first time the chemical stimulant for vein cutting in a plant species that lacks canal-borne exudates. Loopers severed leaf veins more frequently on plants previously fed upon indicating that...
PCA of 8 toxic elements in road dust was carried out. All factors were extracted and rotated using the varimax method based on Kaiser normalization, when the eigenvalue is greater than 1, in five iterations, the rotation converges. Three factors were obtained, included ...
Mortality among workers employed in petroleum refining and petrochemical plants. The cause-specific mortality experience in 1947-1977 of 3105 members of Texas union locals was studied. Proportionate mortality ratios for cancers of the l... TL Thomas,P Decoufle,R Moure-Eraso - 《Journal of Occupati...
Bees, butterflies, and other insects are under attack by the very plants they feed on as U.S. agriculture continues to use chemicals known to kill.
Horse chestnut (Ohio buckeye) Aesculus spp. Horse nettle Solanum spp. Hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis Hyacinth bean Dolicbos lab lab Hydrangea Hydrangea spp. Iris Iris spp. Ivy (English ivy) Hedera helix Jack-in-the-pulpit Arisaemia triphyllum Jerusalem cherry Solanum pseudocapsicum Jessamine (jasmine...
“Removal of impacted materials, including soils, continues to be the top priority, in order to limit the spread of contaminants,” an Ohio EPA spokesperson said in a statement. “A full delineation of impacts to soil and ground water will be required, but has not yet been completed.” ...
Observed endophyte levels in Nontoxic-E at all sites were consistent with the endophyte levels in the seed that was planted, and plants had a negligible concentration of ergopeptine alkaloids. It was concluded that, where mechanisms for contamination exist, E- tall fescue stands can be readily ...
Hundreds of non-proteinogenic (np) amino acids (AA) are found in plants and can in principle enter human protein synthesis through foods. While aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (AARS) editing potentially provides a mechanism to reject np AAs, some have pathological associations. Co-crystal structures show...
The scientists, led by organic chemists from The Ohio State University, call these new particles "molecular baskets." As the name implies, thesemoleculesare shaped like baskets and research in the lab has shown they can find simulatednerve agents, swallow them in their cavities and trap them fo...