There are many plants and foods that aretoxic to rabbits or extremely unhealthyto the point of where they just shouldn’t be offered. Most processed foods for humans will not be accepted by a rabbit’s digestive system. It is not worth the risk to feed them something that you are unsure ...
M. 1966. Naturally occurring toxic factors in plants and animals used as foods. Canad. Med. Assoc. J. 94: 568–573. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Sutherland, O. R. W., G. B. Russell, D. R. Biggs, and G. A. Lane. 1980. Insect feeding deterrent activity of phytoalexin ...
To learn more, we surveyed over 1,000 people on the types of substances they have experienced being ingested by their pets – from cats and dogs to birds and rabbits. We explored the vast array of toxic substances our pets can get into, where they found them, and how to proceed if you...
Byline: Fiona McIntoshLEAST surprising news of the week is that detox diets don't work.Shame no one told Gwyneth Paltrow.On her website GOOP, she rabbits on about her January detox which eliminates the following bad guys from her diet - dairy, grains, meat, shellfish, all processed foods...
So, it only goes to show that I will do whatever possible to make sure our dogs stay healthy and with us for as long as possible. Canine toxicity is a dog's reaction to things that are poisonous. These are several human foods that can cause canine toxicity which can result in sickness...
Protective role of isoflavones against the toxic effect of cypermethrin on semen quality and testosterone levels of rabbits. Cypermethrin is considered as one of the endocrine disruptors. Isoflavones play an important role in various physiological processes in the body. It has bo... MI Yousef,FM El...
“Fluoride was orally administered to rabbits at 10 mg NaF/kg body weight for 18 or 29 months. The animals were then killed and and the structure of the testis, epididymis and vas deferens studied under light and scanning electron microscopes. In animals treated for 29 months, the spermatogeni...
Almost all vaccines need something in which to grow the culture, and that normally means animal cells. All sorts of animals are used for this, including chickens, pigs, dogs, monkeys, horses, rabbits, cows and more. All these animal cells remain in trace amounts in the vaccine, as admitte...
The acute oral LD50 value for both sexes combined was >375 mg/kg. Dermal application of 2000 mg/kg HQ to rabbits under an occlusive wrap for 24 h did not result in neurobehavioral effects or mortality. Subchronic exposure was accomplished by administration of doses of 200, 64, 20, or 0...
Various kinds of food additives (e.g., tartrazine, nitrites, monosodium glutamate) have been employed to improve the taste, tint, constancy, quality, and price of foods. For example, nitrites are a very well-described problem in food, because as a preservative, it causes many negative effects...