Growing up, I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian family. My family believed that theirreligionwas the “one true path” on earth and everyone who didn’t have the same beliefs as them was destined to burn in hell eternally as decreed by an “unconditionally loving” God. I shit you ...
While some people may not know that they project, this is usually a well-established tool in the toxic personality playbook. 22. Vindictive Relationships need love and empathy to thrive. However, care and compassion are not part of a vindictive personality. Someone with a vindictive personality i...
How to deal with toxic family members and keep your peace How to walk the freeing path of believing in yourself The 8 toxic leadership traits (and how to spot them) Toxic productivity: how to spot and prevent it Big Five personality traits: what they are and how to use them ...
The quiz also helps expose unconscious habits that could be off-putting such as gossiping or not respecting boundaries. 9. The Arealme Negative Personality Trait Test The Arealme team has created this intricate yet insightful personality test that provides insight into the six negative personality tr...
Astrology fans study zodiac signs and birth charts to gain insights into personality traits, relationships, and potential life paths based on astrological beliefs. If you disagreeoragree with their readings, that is so totally your star sign of you!
Did someone pop into your head as I explained these toxic personality types? If you have someone in your life whom you dread seeing, who doesn’t respect your opinions, or who makes you feel bad about yourself in any way, then you need to just say no. ...
If you are drawn to toxic personality relationships, get working on letting these go. It can be especially difficult when you are dealing with a member of your family, like a parent or sibling. That applies especially to the ones who perpetuate your own toxic behavior. ...
Toxic relationships are bad for your health, emotionally and physically. Emotional vampires, financial terrorists, "Debbie Downers," gold-diggers, social climbers and "users" are all toxic personality types. Most of these toxic individuals are deliberate in their actions, but others are clueless in...
The child must accept the emotional abuse that occurs in private and extol the virtues of the family, especially the mother, publicly. Since someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder will do practically anything to maintain their superior self-image for ...
Some people like to attribute toxic leadership to childhood trauma, mental health issues or claiming that the toxic boss is simply the way he/she is because that’s how their personality is. These are often excuses used to justify toxic behavior in the workplace by co-workers because they ar...