in the urban periphery. As a case study, we evaluated survey responses of community perceptions of “Imageability”, “Enclosure”, “Human scale”, “Complexity” and “Safety” of Shanghai’s five new towns, comparing these with responses from the central area in terms of gender difference,...
Safety as a system is becoming an increasingly prominent topic both in political arenas as well as for scholars. It deals with an “all-encompassing perspective that considers human agents and technical artefacts embedded in complex social structures such as the organizational goals, policies and cult...
The matrix at the second tier of the AHP model (criteria for building a resilient community) was consistent with a CR value of 0.07 (Table 5). From the computed weights, “PC” and “IGC” ranked the highest and lowest, respectively. The top-ranked criteria; “PC”, “EC”, “SC”,...
It is among the smallest and least developed regions in the country (Eastern Poland), with the lowest socioeconomic development indexes in the whole European Union. In order to decrease the differences between Eastern Poland and the remaining parts of the EU, a special development program was ...
These towns do not meet the basic criteria of urbanity (a small population) and will not be able to develop a public space with the features described in the literature review. In our evaluation, the lowest-rated square was the town square in Nowa Słupia. All of the elements of ...