Wirral Towns Break into Slow House Sales Top 10; Hoylake, Neston and West Kirby NamedByline: BY PAULA OWENS Daily Post StaffDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
In a local government reform in 1974, some areas near the border withLancashirebecame part of the new metropolitan counties ofGreater ManchesterandMerseyside, notablyStockport, and much of The Wirral Peninsula was also lost, as was the North-Eastern tip, comprising the areas ofWoodheadandTintwistle...
Merseyside contains the metropolitan boroughs ofLiverpool, Knowsley,Sefton,St Helensand theWirral. The county is divided into two parts by the Mersey estuary, theWirralis located on the west side of the estuary, upon the Wirral Peninsula and the rest of the county is located on the east side...