a limestone escarpment rising abruptly on its western side and upon which the city of Lincoln stands. Separated from the Lincoln Edge by a clay lowland are the Wolds, an area of rolling chalk hills. Between the Wolds and the coast lies an area known as the Lincoln Marsh; at its southern...
Lincoln City is a well-known destination forday trips from Portlandand Salem. With Devil’s Lake to the north and Siletz Bay just a bit further south, its place on the map is part of what makes Lincoln City so appealing. God’s Thumb near Lincoln City Beach, Oregon The town’s scenic...
especially in the Lincoln-North Woodstock area. Great scenery, Mount Washington (the highest mountain in New England at nearly 6,288 ft.), motels with indoor swimming pools, grand hotels like the Balsams or Mt. Washington Hotel, family-style restaurants that are easy on the wallet...
multiple towns, ranches, and fly-fishing resorts met the same fatein western Colorado. Located near Gunnison, Blue Mesa Reservoir is the state’s largest body of water, but not a natural lake. That title goes to Grand Lake, which sits in the north-central region of the state...
The town became a bit busier when the first coast-to-coast highway,Lincoln Highway,came through town, following the railroad. Medicine Bow has never been an attractive town, sorry to say. Even novelist Owen Wister pointed that out in the opening lines of his novel. ...