At the same time as pro-war concerts and gatherings were organised by the authorities across Russia, anti-war activists put blue and yellow flowers and ribbons on war memorial sites in the two north Russian cities. In Petrozavodsk, the regional capital of Karelia, the anti-war mani...
Generally speaking, by northern Europe we understand the countries situated on the Baltic: Sweden with Finland, Russia, Poland, north Germany, Denmark, to which Norway when united with Denmark should be added. In this area the form of government was mainly monarchic, although in Germany the ...
The long war between Assad and his foreign backers that include Russia and Iran and the array of armed opposition forces seeking his overthrow has killed an estimated half-million people over the past 13 years. To the east, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces sa...
Many of the far northern towns and settlements that were built in the Soviet period have over the last decades experienced massive out-migration, economic decline and degradation of local infrastructure. Across the Arctic, towns that previously housed several thousand people are...
over the centuries, layers of habitation deposits (or archaeological cultural layers) of up to 5-10 m in thickness have formed in towns and cities of european russia. these specific deposits may be referred to as urbo-sediments. they consist mainly of th
Maxfield sits along the shore of the Piscataquis River, and boasts one improved road in the entire town. Maxfield is also one of thefew northern townsthat isn't square-shaped. 5. Forest CIty TSM 5. Forest CIty The ex-town is now classified as a "populated place." ...
What can I say? Fairbanks is probably one of the most iconic towns in Alaska and one of themost romantic getaways in the USA. I mean, not only is it basically the only major city in the state’s vast interior, but it’s an amazing place to see the Northern Lights (like during this...
Located in the Como Province of Lombardy in northern Italy is Lake Como, one of the most popular destinations in the country for locals and tourists alike. Its popularity is based on a combination of fresh air and water, the good climate, the surrounding mountains, and the water. The numero...
BelfastNorthern Ireland BelgradeYugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) BelmopanBelize BerlinGermany BerneSwitzerland BishkekKyrgyzstan BissauGuinea-Bissau Bloemfonteinjudicial capital of South Africa BogotáColombia BrasíliaBrazil BratislavaSlovakia BrazzavilleCongo (Republic of) ...
It surveys the development of Russia through the Mongol invasions to the expansion of the Muscovite state in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and deals with political, social, economic and cultural issues under the Riurikid and early Romanov rulers. The volume is organised on a primarily ...