Homeowners in a townhouse community must be prepared to navigate these potential conflicts and adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the HOA. Additionally, the limited outdoor space and lack of a private yard may be a drawback for those who value extensive personal outdoor areas or...
Delaware regulations require all guests sign a lease agreement within 10 days of booking. A lease agreement will be sent within 24 hours of booking and an electronic signature is required before final check-in information is made available. ...
An HOA provides people with shared neighborhood values an opportunity to enforce regulations, consistent with overriding statutory constraints, to achieve a community representative of such values. In doing so, an HOA inherently restricts the freedoms that would otherwise exist for its members based on...
Want some of the convenience of a condo but not all the rules and regulations? A townhouse could let you split the difference. These trade-offs may be among the reasons why in 2019, townhouses — also called townhomes — were the second-most popular home type among buyers, after detached...
Homeowners' associations (HOAs) are common in townhouse communities, and residents must navigate the rules and regulations set forth by these governing bodies. This can include guidelines for exterior maintenance, landscaping, and even restrictions on certain modifications or renovations. While the HOA ...