Clayman offered a slightly varied perspective, noting the role of the town government in limiting overdevelopment. “The primary function of the Town Board is to make sure that areas are not overdeveloped,” she said. “All you have to do is look at Port Jefferson Station — there is an e...
shelters for pets, playhouses, open stairs, recreational equipment, handicapped ramps, flagpoles, underground fallout shelters, air- conditioning compressors, pump houses, wells, mailboxes, privies, outdoor fireplaces, gate houses, burial vaults, cemetery markers or monuments, bus shelters, or wharves...
The “Austin-Round Rock MCA” includes Travis, Williamson, Hays, Caldwell, and Bastrop counties in central Texas. As of August 17, the aggregate deaths attributed to Covid-19 in those counties over five months was 581 (link) out of a population of roughly 2.2 million (for those of you k...
Stark Squier and Mark Fey, residents of Wells Road, were present to complain about the greasy condition of that road. Highway Superintendent Housel explained that the roads were salt brined late in the season because of the weather, and have not had the time they need to cure. Unfortunately...
Visual inspection of locations of each sanitation categories on the groundwater contour maps, location of 435 deep and shallow wells constructed by the households [12]. d) Assumed that open defecation derived from housing units is the same when converted to proportion of the town population practic...
However, once in the full business council session, the dates were changed to the General Buck season, June 1 - October 31, and the Doe Season just the month of October. We have scheduled our second Wells Dam negotiations meeting with the Douglas County PUD for April 23. We are making ...