Welcome to the Town of Salem Wiki!This is a wiki database for the game Town of Salem and Town of Salem 2. This includes roles, possible strategies and other information. Please feel free to add to anything.If you are brand new to the game, you might want to take a look at Getting...
Town of Salem Wiki Others Like You Viewed Soul Collector Jester (ToS 2) Bootlegger Executioner (ToS 2) Baker Top Pages this Week Town of Salem 2 1 Investigator (ToS) 2 Retributionist (ToS 2) 3 Pirate (ToS 2) 4 Investigator (ToS 2) ...
These are the official patch notes for Town of Salem 2 pulled from Steam/Discord as of 19th February, 2025. The current version can be found in the lower-left corner of the main Settings screen in-game. Looking for original Town of Salem patch notes? Cli
所有电台介绍来自GTAV WIKI,本人只是翻译润色,如有错误,多多包涵指教,链接如下: https://gta.fan 15158272 塞勒姆镇吧 1_devil 这是游戏town of salem, 塞勒姆镇吧town of salem 是一款网页版的杀人游戏,角色内容丰富,可玩性相当高,STEAM版本将于12月17号上市游戏网址:http://www.blankmediagames.com/TownOf...
这是犯罪率分布的情况 一般来说不建议大家居住的区域主要有:Dorchester,Roxbury,Mission Hill,Lynn和Salem。头三个是南波士顿的黑人区,环境类似纽约著名的Harlem,平均家庭收入非常低,犯罪率高,建议大家 +8 25133 杜撰之实吧 Ericthe 【转贴】【资料】歌月十夜情节解说 分享441 骷骨髑髅吧 骷骨髑髅 【转贴】流淌...
Origin: Town Of SalemThe Mayor can reveal themselves as the Mayor to other players. Upon doing so, the value of their vote increases. A revealed Mayor cannot be protected, but can be revived.Game OptionsNameDescriptionTypeDefault Mayor Votes Count As The additional number of votes that are ...
Salem is full of history. There's an oak tree in town that is over 500 years old. Look for "Salem Oak." #17 - JERSEY CITY By Arkyan - My own work, based on public domain information. Based on similar map concepts by Ixnayonthetimmay, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link #17 - JERSEY CITY...
That said, Dighton is the SouthCoast town with the fewest deer strikes. Considering Dighton is full of remote, country roads, it's surprising that the numbers aren't higher.In 2023, there were only 16 deer strikes – not bad for a town like Dighton. Who would have thought that ...
Intense rainfall during a storm on August 21, 2021, devastated the region between Waverly and McEwen, Tennessee about 60 miles west of Nashville. The resulting flash flooding killed more than 20 people. Texas Outdoor Craziness // Wikimedia Commons ...
town-of-salem.wikia.com this is a wiki database for the game town of salem. this includes roles, possible strategies and other information. please feel free to add to anything.if 展示更多 全球排名 - - blankmediagames.com與 town-of-salem.wikia.com 比較排名 比較blankmediagames.com 和 town...