我们从居住在新Downtown的人口组成来看,新Downtown居住了17.5万人,年龄在25-55岁的人口占到了总人口的54.5%,年龄在25-35岁的年轻家庭人口也有23.8%。此外根据纽约市政府就业报告The Geograpgy of Jobs显示,在过去的十年中,纽约市增加了192,900个办公岗位,仅曼哈顿一个区就增加了142,600个办公...
但是当时间进入20世纪60年代,当曼哈顿的房屋条件一天天变得不可接受时,一大批中产阶级人士选择了离开曼哈顿前往布鲁克林Boerum Hill居住,因此这里也留下了极富老纽约风情的联排别墅(townhouse)社区,在平日里漫步在Boerum Hill社区,这里宁静祥和的氛围仿佛置身美剧《老友记》里的格林威治村(Greenwich Village)...
Legions of men moved their families to the suburbs and took up white-collar jobs—and those jobs required suits. Dark, full, conservative suits became so ubiquitous, in fact, that they were worn en masse even to the most casual events. When Bobby Thompson hit the "shot heard round the ...
s Get Social Review. Coffee Shop Millionaire Review. Real Writing Jobs Review. Bring The Fresh Review. Bring The Fresh Review. Not only have they both made money outside of teaching, they’ve made millions with the same strategies that they teach inside of Bring the Fresh. Bring The Fresh...
Our downtown New York City hotel is located near the financial district, Wall Street and the Statue of Liberty. Plus, it's a short walk from the National 9/11 Memorial. Surrounded by the neighborhoods of SoHo, Tribeca and Greenwich Village, this Lower Manhattan hotel offers the unmistakable ...
Allamuchy, Greenwich, Indy, Liberty, Lopatcong, Oxford, Phillipsburg, Pohatcong, all with less than 5 out each. That's got to be a first for Liberty and maybe JCPL did prioritize round 1 over round 2. Then again, Blairstown was over 90% out in round 1 and they still have a ways ...
Select the 'City Tour in Foreign Languages and All Loops Tour' and get an extra value of the All Loops Tour Pass! Then travel for 48 hours on our open-top double-decker buses all around Manhattan. More information below: Downtown Loop Plus Greenwich Village Times Square Empire State Buildin...
The Cecil sold in 2014 to New York real estate developer Richard Born, who ownsa vast portfolio of boutique hotelsin New York, including the Bowery, the Maritime, the Ludlow, and the Greenwich. Jennifer Boyer/ Flickr creative commons
在美国,陪伴女儿的孕期日常! IRS的2024税年初步数据:今年退税额预计比2023税年下降32% 伊隆·马斯克的第14个孩子出生了? 第97届“奥斯卡”完整获奖名单(简图) DeepSeek已经让成人玩具“率先受益” 美国科学院发现了火星“度假海滩” 祝融号在火星挖出了36亿年前海洋铁证 ...
With the Airport Express, you are never far from town. There is a train every 10 minutes, ready to rush you between the airport and Hong Kong Station in the heart of the shopping and commercial district in about 24 minutes. Or travel to the Asia WorldExpo in just 1 minute from the...