The transfer of power from the charismatic and theatrical former CEO A. W. "Bill" Dahlberg to the calm and conservative Franklin was smooth, done with style and class. In an interview forGeorgia Trendmagazine, Dahlberg described his successor as "detailed." He went on, "People probably though...
Blairstown and Franklin townships are still 20% out Frelinghuysen and White - 15% Hardwick - 23% Hope is freaking 28% out still Knowlton tops the list at 35% Liberty, the usual queen of the pigs, is down to 13% --- these Liberty pols should be hung if they don't have something...
Franklin Pierce, the country's 14th president, lived here from infancy until his marriage in 1834. Built by his father Benjamin in 1804, the two-story frame and clapboard house in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, is now a state park and a national historical site, and includes...
Donovan Purple Heart Recipients Book of Merit will be on permanent display at the Erie County Clerk’s Office inside Old County Hall at 92 Franklin Street. Along with the book, there are also historical photos of William Donovan, a portrait of Donovan, and a World War I era Purple Heart ...