is a story about a small town in West Virginia called Silent Hill. When researching the different elements of Silent Hill, screenwriter Roger Avary came across the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania. Centralia planted the seed for what developed into the cinematic version of the town of Silent Hill...
Centralia: Pennsylvania's Lost Town: Directed by Joe Sapienza. With Don Bailey, Jack Carling, Colleen Coddington, Joe Coddington. A small town is overcome by a massive underground mine fire which began in 1962. As a result, hundreds of residents had to b
Official website of the film "Centralia: Pennsylvania's Lost Town." Watch the film, purchase on DVD/Blu-ray, visit us on FaceBook.
Yemen's pro-government forces reclaim seaside town of Dhubab "See, Centralia is this abandoned town in Pennsylvania. A sheepdog among the sheeple: navigating through the numbskulls Fighters celebrated in the abandoned town, firing in the air, chanting anti-IS slogans and showing off a captured ...
语言:英语 上映日期:2017-05-05 片长:90分钟 IMDb:tt3758864 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 看过 评价: 写短评 写影评 分享到 推荐 Centralia: Pennsylvania's Lost Town的剧情简介· ··· A small town is overcome by a massive underground coal fire in 1962. As a result hundreds of residents had to be relo...
it is a very real place with a devastating history. The town of Silent Hill West Virginia, is actually Centralia, Pennsylvania. In May 1962, the city had the local landfill burned in an attempt to clean up waste. The fire spread through unsealed tunnels that led to an abandoned coal mine...
Centralia, Pennsylvania It's hard to believe that Centralia, Pennsylvania, once had a booming population of 1,000 people! Since 1962 though, it’s been declining rapidly as the coal fire burning underneath the entire town continues to spread. It has become so bad that any new residents are ...
This town has been burning for 50 yearsJulia Calderone
The Pennsylvania AMR Community is a very active constituency working on mine drainage issues and supporting the reclamation of our abandoned mine lands across PA. Given our strength in numbers, we are the ones who are taking back and reclaiming our communities in more ways than one and securing...