Town hall Teams Phone Teams Phone VOIP PBX Video calling Business phones Contact Center Chat and collaboration Instant messaging File sharing Collaboration Chat Devices Teams Devices Teams Rooms Apps Apps and workflows Meeting apps Microsoft Mesh Microsoft Places Business an...
IT之家 5 月 29 日消息,微软于 2023 年 9 月宣布,将于 2024 年 9 月 30 日关闭 Teams 的在线会议服务 Live Events,不过官方今天宣布延期,但并未公布准确的延期时间。IT之家翻译微软支持文档内容如下 通过和客户的沟通,我们了解到顺利过渡迁移到 Town Hall 功能是多么的重要。我们致力于为客户提供尽可能...
If you'd like to get familiar with how policies work for Teams meetings and events, see Manage meeting and event policies in Microsoft Teams. For a full list of admin policies and organizer settings for town halls, see Town hall control comparison later in this article....
IT之家5 月 29 日消息,微软于 2023 年 9 月宣布,将于 2024 年 9 月 30 日关闭 Teams 的在线会议服务 Live Events,不过官方今天宣布延期,但并未公布准确的延期时间。 IT之家翻译微软支持文档内容如下 通过和客户的沟通,我们了解到顺利过渡迁移到 Town Hall 功能是多么的重要。 我们致力于为客户提供尽可能多...
2023年9月,微软曾宣布自2024年9月30日起关闭旗下团队协作工具Teams的线上会议服务Live Events,然而近日,该公司表示该决定已被推迟,但具体日期尚未明确。 据微软官方支持文档所述,他们在沟通过程中了解到成功转移至Teams Town Hall功能的重要性。为了方便客户使用,他们将努力使客户能够轻松地试用、采纳及实施Town Hall...
in Microsoft Teams, the Town Hall feature operates distinctively compared to the Live Event feature. When concluding a Town Hall meeting, it concludes for all participants, including presenters and producers. This is unlike Live Events, where presenters and producers can remain on the call after ...
"Teams Townhall Meeting - meeting quality stats for attendees","id":"message:1782417","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:642475"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:TeamsVirtualEvents"},"conversation":...
IT之家 5 月 29 日消息,微软于 2023 年 9 月宣布,将于 2024 年 9 月 30 日关闭 Teams 的在线会议服务 Live Events,不过官方今天宣布延期,但并未公布准确的延期时间。 IT之家翻译微软支持文档内容如下 通过和客户的沟通,我们了解到顺利过渡迁移到 Town Hall 功能是多么的重要。
A town hall is a type of meeting available in Microsoft Teams. Whether you’re celebrating milestone achievements with your org or covering an election, town hall features help you deliver high-quality production experiences to large audiences. ...
To find out who the specific attendees are, we need a different method since, upon entering the town hall meeting room, the producer and presenter are unable to see the individual attendees and can only view the total number. All the invitees have…