Tower Hamlets Together is all about health and social care organisations working closer together to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Tower Hamlets.
Access to mental health services for the Bangladeshi and Somali communities in Tower HamletsM. KarimA. Hassan
'Project' is something of a misnomer for the complicated string teaching organisation which now involves some thousand young string players, twenty ILEA schools in and around the Tower Hamlets area, and 35 qualified string teachers, mostly on a part-time basis. At no time in the early days wa...
The aim of the study was to investigate the experiences of professionals who treat asylum seekers and refugees, as well as those responsible for the planning, management and delivery of mental health services to this group in Haringey; a... AM Connolly,N Klynman,A Majeed - 《Primary Health...
Developing a preventative mental health service for young people in a London Borough: Tower Hamlets Early Detection Service (THEDS) for SchizophreniaMurguia, SMarlowe, K
This involved support from the Trust9s quality improvement team. The theory of change was visualised through a driver diagram. A number of outcomes were measured and plotted over time - patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction, and attendance to peer support groups. The impact of changes was then...