Tower Defense Simulator Wiki 1,842 pages Wiki Article Ranger The Ranger, formerly known as the Outlaw, is an advanced cliff tower with long range that can be purchased in the store for 12,000. The Ranger deals high damage with very long range but has a slow firerate. As a cliff tower...
You only get access to exclusive towers in Tower Defense Simulator during special events, such as the Halloween one. After the event ends, you lose access to the exclusive tower. Currently, the Halloween 2020 event is still running and it’s unknown when it will end. Get Into the Habit If...
Man thnx i was afraid i was gonna fail cuz i need the warhammer for eren HAHAH i also had max uru rn Roblox: All Star Tower Defense WikiRoblox: All Star Tower Defense Wiki The Strongest In HistoryRoblox: All Star Tower Defense Wiki...