This wiki is unofficial and will not be kept up to date by TB:BF testers and staff compared to the new one. Please keep this in mind when browsing this wiki as some information may be false or misleading. This is the non-official wiki of Tower Battles: Battlefront! Remember to check ...
The strategy section on the wiki is meant to include multiple ways to kill an enemy, as long as it does the job it can be added (though there is a limit), even if it is not the most effective way possible. The Gladaitor being there IS a bad example of a tower though, so I'll...
Void不会给你一个Zed 这个塔已经完全从游戏中移除 只能通过脚本使用 角色描述 关于Void Zed的知之甚少,因为它在游戏中被个人化后迅速移除。它与Max非常相似 金色Zed,但统计数据是三倍,或者类似的东西 角色外观 虚空Zed基本上是旧的maxed的reskin 金色Zed 模型。它完全是紫色的,侧面的G11更名为“Void Zed” 在wa...
The Enemy just needs to have one in its rig, even if it's a shared one. If an Enemy has a custom animation for being stunned, it will be checkmarked in green. If an Enemy doesn't have a custom animation for being stunned and instead stops/walks in place, it will be crossed off...
Planet3arth是Tower Battles的创建者和所有者(游戏原名:Tower Battlefront)原游戏链接) 常态Planet 初始成本 0$ 在wave中解锁 0 需求要求 独占(仅限管理员) 统计信息 健康 100,000,000 速度 50 损坏情况 ...
Planet3arth是一个机械的 Planet3arth,塔之战的创造者.Planet3arth有一套黑色西装,里面有一个腐蚀的盔甲。它有霓虹红色的臂章,眼睛和领带。在它的背面是两个腐蚀的火箭发射器,连接到它的中央核心芯片,并由它的背面。它的头部上方还有一个标签,上面写着“BOSS” ...
Uhm, I observed the speed of slow and boss1. slow is actually very slightly faster than boss1, when I send an enemy a slow Pumpkintrollnoob·12/5/2018 Copy Link more like free money. ConcussionDestroyer·12/11/2018 Copy Link Indeed. :P ...
King Boss3的支持者 和 King Boss2的熔岩 是唯一具有国王变体的常规敌人。 King Boss3有一个 愚人节2019 对应物称为 Rickroller Supreme.(Never gonna give you up) 这个版本是King Boss3的过时、较慢和稍弱的版本。这是由于当时的Tower Battles: Battlefront的状态,僵尸的统计数据与今天相比有很大不同。
Does anyone know how can I deal damage to the enemy? I have tried dissolving 5+ water runestones but damage dealt is just 1. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Edit: Nevermind, I've figured it out. Damage dealt was too low, didn't break the defense. ...
经典Wave 39可以被看作是Tower Battles VS Mode的Wave:The End,因为Endbringers在两者以上均会产生。 Endbringer的死亡动画与 守护者 和 泰坦相同. Endbringer在 沙箱或任何其他可玩的游戏模式(不包括 硬模式),它将在当前音乐曲目上设置主题。 这也发生在 杰克, 过期的杰克, 故障杰克, 永恒杰克, 杰克皇帝,和...