Rethingking Education: Towards a global common good ?Morgan, W. JWhite, I
Rethinking Education:Towards a Global Common Good.pdf Rethinking Education:Towards a Global Common Good阅读原文喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 公务员政审增加“新规定”,三类学生无缘上岸,分数再高也白搭! 胡老师英语 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容质量低 不...
Recognizing the emergence of a new global context of learning the Director-General of UNESCO established a Senior Experts Group to rethink education in a changing world. The result of the work of the group is presented in Rethinking Education: Towards a global common good? (2015). In the spir...
COMMON goodFINANCECOLLECTIVE actionRECESSIONSThe COVID pandemic, which has brought the world economy to an unprecedented synchronized recession, makes for a profound collective global experience. It should urge us to reshape our collective actions....
In all cases, the tragedy of the commons threatens the possibility of reaching the optimal solution associated with global cooperation, a scenario predicted by theory and demonstrated by many experiments. Using the toolbox of evolutionary game theory, I will address two important aspects of ...
Understanding political responsibility in corporate citizenship: towards a shared responsibility for the common goodcorporate social responsibilitycorporate citizenshippolitical csrYoungIn this article, we explore the debate on corporate citizenship and the role of business in global governance. In the debate ...
to strengthen ties of multilateral engagement and communication. The UAE firmly believes in the importance of building bridges for stability, whether these are between East and West, or the Global South and North, and we are confident that in China we have a partner that shares the same aims....
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States.
13. To be successfully implemented at a global scale, appropriate SOC sequestration management strategies are likely to be adopted faster if SOC is considered not only as a means for mitigating climate change but also as a contributor to soil health, increased food security, and other sustainable...
A thorough understanding of the diversity of pest species, and robust taxonomy and associated diagnostic tools, underpin biosecurity and the global quarantine measures protecting agriculture5. The last two decades have seen immense progress towards documenting the diversity of stemborers, particularly for ...