Du Bois, J. (2010). Towards a dialogic syntax. Unpublished manuscript.Du Bois, John W. (demn.): Towards a dialogic syntax. In: Cognitive Linguistics. (Special issue on Dialogic Resonance hrsg. v. Rachel Giora und John W. Du Bois). Preprint online unter: http://www.lattice.cnrs.fr/...
towards a dialogic syntax:走向对话的语法 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: Towards a Dialogic Syntax*DRAFT*[revised February 2, 2010]John W. Du BoisUC Santa Barbaradubois@linguistics.ucsb.eduThis paper outlines in preliminary form some of the fundamental linguistic concepts that are needed to explore the...
towards a dialogic syntax:走向对话的语法 热度: RULE 2007 Towards Concrete Syntax Patterns for logic based Transformation Rules Malte Appeltauer G¨unter Kniesel Dept of Computer Science IIIniversity of Bonn-Germanyappeltauer, gk}@cs uni-bonn de - roots iai uni-bonn de ...
towards a dialogic syntax:走向对话的语法 热度: RULE2007 TowardsConcreteSyntaxPatternsfor logicbasedTransformationRules MalteAppeltauerG¨unterKniesel Dept.ofComputerScienceIII UniversityofBonn-Germany {appeltauer,gk}@cs.uni-bonn.de-roots.iai.uni-bonn.de ...
(2014) Towards a dialogic syntax. In R. Giora and J. W. Du Bois (Guest eds.). Special issue, `Dialogic resonance: Activating affinities across utterances', Cognitive Linguistics 25(3): 359-410. Fairclough, Norman (1994) Conversationalisation of public discourse and the authority of the ...
(2014). Towards a dialogic construction grammar: Ad hoc routines and resonance activation. Cognitive Linguistics 25(3), 457-495.Brone, G., & Zima, E. (2014). Towards a dialogic construction grammar: Ad hoc routines and resonance activation. Cognitive Linguistics, 25(3), 457 - 495. doi...