my whole (in the French gamecharades) pas du tout not at all rien du tout nothing at all Le tout,c'est de faire vite. The main thing is to be quick about it. Pronunciation notes Tout - [tu] |Pronoun| Toutcan be two different kinds of pronouns: neuter and plural As aneuter pronou...
11、ole (in the French gamecharades )pas du toutnot at allrien du toutno thi ng at allLe tout, cest de faire vite.The main thing is to be quick about it.Pronunciation notesTout - tu| Pronoun |Tout can be two differe nt kinds of pronouns: n euter and pluralAs a neuter pronoun,...
The pronunciation oftousas a pronoun is special: you pronounce the -s at the end, even if the first letter of the next word is a consonant. Sure it goes against everything you’ve been taught, but French is full of fun little exceptions *** C’esttout! Merci àtousd’avoir lu la ...
ﻫThe following table is a summary of the different parts of speech that tout can represent and the forms that it can have in each one. Clickon the links for a detailed explanation of usage, forms, and pronunciationof each part of speech.masculinefeminineinvariablesingplursingplur&...
my whole (in the French game charades) pas du tout not at all rien du tout nothing at all Le tout, cest de faire vite. The main thing is to be quick about it. Pronunciation notes Tout - [tu] | Pronoun | Tout can be two different kinds of pronouns: neuter and plural ??? As a...
FrenchEnglish En tout casin any case Toutes taxes comprisestaxes included Tout le tempsall the time Tous les 36 du moisonce in a blue moon Prendre tout son tempsto take one's time PronouncingToutas an Adjective Whentoutand its variants are adjectives, their pronunciations are pretty predictable...
mywhole(intheFrenchgamecharades) pasdutout notatall riendutout nothingatall Letout,c'estdefairevite. Themainthingistobequickaboutit. Pronunciationnotes Tout-[tu] |Pronoun| Toutcanbetwodifferentkindsofpronouns:neuterandplural Asaneuterpronoun,toutisinvariableandmeansall avanttout aboveall malgrétout in...
Tout, Toute, Tous, ToutesLearn all about the useful French word toutIntroduction Adjective Adverb Noun Pronoun TestTout
Pronunciation[du too] IPA[dy tu]̃ Usage notes:The French phrasedu toutoften follows thenegative adverbpas, to mean "not at all" with infinitives, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Par exemple… Je ne veux pas du tout travailler.I don’t want to work at all. ...
Commonly Misspelled Words How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Absent Letters That Are Heard Anyway How to Use Accents and Diacritical Marks Popular in Wordplay See All It's a Scorcher! Words for the Summer Heat ...