I madePDF files of the Istanbul tourist attraction mapsthat have enough details to be examined closely. You can find links to PDF versions of each Istanbul tourist map under the relevant headings. You can download these maps for free. Yes, now let’s start our article with the hope that i...
In the case of multiple-day trips, this corresponds to the Team Orienteering Problem (TOP), where several routes are computed. [35] also solves an OP to generate a day tour in Istanbul over 20 POIs; unlike the classical OP, in this case, multiple starting POIs are allowed. In [15], ...
Yes. That is exactly what we did. We flew from Istanbul to Bangkok, received our 30 day stamp on arrival at the airport and then went tot he immigration center our first week in Thailand. Reply Dillonsays: October 22, 2015 at 11:23 am Hey, this article is so helpful!! Thanks again ...
This provides a comprehensive system in which users can modify hotel selection items through a user-friendly interface and, subsequently, different factors for item selection are combined and displayed in the form of a map. This system can update results based on the user and their environment. ...
sustainability Article Identifying Tourist Places of Interest Based on Digital Imprints: Towards a Sustainable Smart City Luis Encalada 1 ID , Inês Boavida-Portugal 2, Carlos Cardoso Ferreira 1 ID and Jorge Rocha 1,* ID 1 Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, Universidade de Lisboa, Rua ...
[31] studied the relationship between urban form and residential heat-energy demand at built forms in London, Paris, Berlin and Istanbul, using five measures of urban morphology: building height, the surface coverage of buildings, open space ratio, and building density surface-to-volume ratio. ...
Role of tour guides on tourist satisfaction level in guided tours and impact on re-visiting Intention: A research in Istanbul. Eur. J. Tour. Hosp. Recreat. 2016, 7, 40–54. [CrossRef] 13. Mancini, S.; Stecca, G. A large neighborhood search based matheuristic for the tourist cruises ...
Marketing Istanbul as a culinary destination. J. Destin. Mark. Manag. 2018, 9, 340–346. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Orłowski, D.; Woźniczko, M. Dziedzictwo kulinarne Polski i jego rola w rozwoju agroturystyki [The culinary heritage of Poland and its role in the development of ...