游客酒店&咖啡厅-秋叶原(The Tourist Hotel & Cafe Akihabara) Coco Ichibanya JR Akihabara Station Showa-Dori307 米 Yoshinoya Akihabara261 米 Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu Yodobashi Akiba328 米 Cho Gotteri Men Gottsu Akihabara153 米 Menya Musashi Bujin295 米 ...
在THE TOURIST HOTEL & Cafe AKIHABARA体验日本的魅力和舒适。在舒适的咖啡馆享用独特的日式床铺、有机蔬菜开放三明治和北海道三文鱼盘。是您日本冒险的完美基地。体验秋叶原,东京电器城的活力氛围。入住THE TOURIST HOTEL & Cafe AKIHABARA,提供酒吧、餐厅和客房服务。享受带空调的客房,免费Wi-Fi、保险箱和清爽的淋...
入住THE TOURIST HOTEL & Cafe AKIHABARA,提供酒吧、餐廳和客房服務。享受帶空調的客房,免費Wi-Fi、保險箱和清爽的淋浴。醒來時欣賞令人驚嘆的城市天際線和山景。探索附近的地標,如阿美橫町商店街和上野公園。THE TOURIST HOTEL & Cafe AKIHABARA位置便利,是您難忘東京之旅的完美選擇。 [特定內容由生成式AI支援,...
酒店邮箱:touristhotel_akihabara@hoosiers.co.jp 位于东京,该酒店将是您旅途中的不二选择。JR秋叶原站位于距离该酒店大约500m的地方。著名的景点Izumicho Pumping Station、Kimono Rental Kaguyahime和Monozukurikan by YKK均可步行很短距离到达。 所有极具特色的客房都配备有房内保险箱和空调,让您感受到更加贴心细致的...
游客酒店&咖啡厅-秋叶原 (THE TOURIST HOTEL & Cafe AKIHABARA)份点评的真实住客评分 真实的住客点评来自 9.0 棒棒哒 来自5,887 个评分 环境和清洁度评分 9.3,满分 10,是东京的高分 环境和清洁度9.3 设施评分 9,满分 10,是东京的高分 设施9.0 位置评分 8.8,满分 10,是东京的高分 位置8.8 服务评分 9.3,满...
游客酒店&咖啡厅-秋叶原 (THE TOURIST HOTEL & Cafe AKIHABARA)份点评的真实住客评分 真实的住客点评来自 9.0 棒棒哒 来自5,929 个评分 环境和清洁度评分 9.3,满分 10,是东京的高分 环境和清洁度9.3 设施评分 9,满分 10,是东京的高分 设施9.0 位置评分 8.8,满分 10,是东京的高分 位置8.8 服务评分 9.3,满...
7. Akihabara Within the Chiyoda Ward of Tokyo is a place known as Akihabara, a major shopping and electronics district. While plenty of local residents flock here for all sorts of reasons, it is definitely a top pick for travelers, especially if you’re looking to experience a different side...
Kitsutsuki, the cafe/restaurant where I had a lot of lunches. Get the A set. Can’t go wrong! ZigZag, a warm, friendly little bar with the cheapest Guinness Stout in Japan: Then I made the lonely walk back to the apartment to finish packing and get out. ...
Food, Japan, Travel Comments Off on Harajuku, Akihabara, and a View I Won’t Forget Dec 212011 Today was my last full day in Tokyo, and there was a lot of stuff I had to get done, so more so than a touristy day, it was more of a shopping/shipping day. For starters, I’ve ...
Embarrassment aside, the cold water felt good, because this hotel also doesn’t have its A/C running anymore. The last pool is actually sort of like a pool. It’s deep enough where you can walk around in it, and the water comes up to mid-chest on a tall guy. This one isn’t so...