Yet those Westerners’ attempts to deny China’s three-year effort against COVID by criticizing a short period of imperfection will end up in vain. In terms of China’s fight against the epidemic, one cannot separate 2022 from the two previous years. To grade China’s handling of the publi...
This paper selects Jenks natural break point method to grade the calculation results of county tourism competitiveness index, which can be divided into six types: low competitiveness area, lower competitiveness area, medium competitiveness area, medium–high competitiveness area, higher competitiveness area...
study of guides published in the West since the 1980s. Depending on which travel guidebook and which year one consults, the city is either likeable or not worth the trip. TheLonely PlanetFootnote13guide dubbed Tianjin the ‘Shanghai of the North’ in 1988, but only devoted one-third of ...
(1707), Yuanmingyuaniscomposedofthreegardens:Yuanmingyuan,Changchunyuanand Qichunyuan,withthefloorareaof350hectaresandthebuildingareaofalmost 160,000squaremeters. f.BytheendofJune2021,Chinahadopenedmorethan13,000scenicareasofGrade AtoGrade5A(including306ratedas5A),45nationaland583provincialvacation resorts,300...
Therefore, the sum of employees of A-grade scenic spots, star-rated hotels and travel agencies is chosen as the labor input indicator of the tourism industry in this research. The scale of sports goods manufacturing industry and sports service industry accounts for more than 95% of the total ...
(unit: person-day); 𝑔g is tourism consumption; 𝐺G is local GDP; 𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑝nemp represents tourism practitioners, including staff of star-rated hotels and travel agencies, and full-time staff of A-grade tourist attractions; 𝑁𝑒𝑚𝑝Nemp represents employed population; and 𝑊...
In addition, the geometric interval method and the natural interruption point grading method were used to grade the tourism industry and urbanization levels in two-time sections in 2010 and 2019 (Figure 3 and Figure 4) in order to explore the evolution of their spatial patterns. Figure 3. The...
The SUS study score was 77.08 with a standard deviation of 16.92. The score translates to good acceptability for the usability of the system and is considered above average with a grade of B. Specifically, 18 users indicated an intention to use the system frequently while 10 remained neutral....
According to the Chinese grade of precipitation standard (GB/T 28592-2012) and considering tourism activities usually within a 12 h range, this paper chose a 12 h precipitation standard to measure rainfall levels; that is, drizzle < 0.1 mm, light rain 0.1~4.9 mm, moderate rain 5.0~14.9 mm...
The results of the analysis of this proximity and weights are as follows (in order): The number of five-star hotels, the number of A-grade scenic locations, and the number of foreign visitors received are the top three sub-indicators of the elements impacting the quality of culture and ...