了解了沈约《悲哉行》使用“旅游”一词的文献背景后,才有了多一些的提升;直至1989年北京旅游学院组织教师对英国伯卡特等Tourism: Past,Present and Future一书的翻译,责成笔者担任全书译文的文字修改,以致不得不推敲一下全书译文,而且时不时还得对着原著与英语教师...
The first deals with the growth and maturing of tourism in higher education. This then leads to a consideration of the current tensions and pressures on the subject, which in many ways raise questions about its survival as a separate area of study. And from this the possible futures of ...
在英国《牛津英语大词典》中,“tourism”的释义是“The theory and practice of touring;traveling for pleasure.(Orig. usually depreciatory.)Also,the business attraction tourists and providing for their accommodation,entertainment;the business of operating tours.”[11]。这段释文,似可译为“旅游的理论与实...
practices,philosophies(中译书名《旅游学——要素·实践·基本原理》),A. J.Burkart等的Tourism:Past, Present, and Future(中译书名《西方旅游业》),W.Theobald的GlobalTourism(中译书名《全球旅游新论》),L. J.Likorish等的Introductionto tourism(中译书名《旅游学通论...
The History and Status of General Systems Theory A.J. Buckart et al. Tourism: Past, Present and Future (1974) Marion Clawson et al. Economics of Outdoor Recreation (1966)View more references Cited by (640) Quality of life (QOL) and well-being research in tourism 2016, Tourism Management...
This paper reviews influencer marketing (IM)-research in the tourism and hospitality (HAndT) field to provide a state-of-the-art of the past, present, and future of IM-research. It identifies research themes, theoretical underpinnings, and methodologies utilized in IM-research. Seventy-five stud...
Despite the emergence of the notion of smart tourism destinations in tourism research, few studies have delved deeply into the topic, and the little research focusing on the subject has not offered an overview of its evolution, current scope, and potential domains of interest. This study aims to...
It also provides valuable input to identify gaps currently impeding BSC development in the hospitality and tourism industry, recommends future research opportunities intended to improve understanding and practice of BSC along with building up on emerging research topics like sustainable tourism and new ...
At present, space tourism is undoubtedly reserved for an elite and wealthy few, but what of the future? If Eric Anderson, president of Space Adventures, the company that organised Tito and Shuttleworth’s trips, is to be believed, it will be the next big thing. ‘Everyone’s looking for ...
This paper explores the past, present, and future directions of tourism education in Canada, from its origins in the late 1960s until today. The study reviews the development of tourism education over four decades, with a particular focus on developments in Ontario. The influence of tourism orga...