engineer Ming Xingshi, 32, and his wife Li Jiumei, 30, decided to leave work for a week.“Since there is a day off in the middle of the week, we decided to take the whole week and travel.“This is my third time in Malaysia and we are familiar with most of the food and ...
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Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Google Scholar Hershey, M. (2009). Translating web texts: Theory and practice (M.A.). Utrecht University, Utrecht. Google Scholar Horenberg, G. H. F. (2015). Tourism advertising: Comparing the effects of push & pull factors in advertising. A cross...
TQM practices and quality management performance—An investigation of their relationship using data from ISO 9001:2000 firms in Malaysia. TQM Mag. 2008, 20, 636–650. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Petrou, A.; Daskalopoulou, I. Innovation and small firms’ growth prospects: Relational proximity ...
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