Yet those Westerners’ attempts to deny China’s three-year effort against COVID by criticizing a short period of imperfection will end up in vain. In terms of China’s fight against the epidemic, one cannot separate 2022 from the two previous years. To grade China’s handling of the publi...
the state health department issued an order directing nursing homes and other long-term care facilities that they must accept residents who were being discharged from hospitals even if they were still testing positive for the infectious disease, as long as they were able to care for them properly...
the definition, validity and operability of the term have been in controversy all the time. As far as the definition is concerned, sustainable tourism is criticized for being narrow and sectoral9,10,11,19. Sustainable tourism may share some concerns with sustainable development. However, sustainable...
“The labels are different, but when you boil it down, they’re part of the same movement: They all share the ambition to make tourism better. It’s the substance behind the term that really matters.”——Tim ...
reliable partner in providing tourist services to individual and group tourists and organizing business meetings, and conferences. This long-term experience in the field of tourism and fruitful cooperation with western companies contribute to our understanding of demands and needs of international tourism ...
Fig. 13. Change in the number of months with the excellent TCI grade at all stations, considering projections of future climate changes modeled under three SSP scenarios (SSP126, SSP370, SSP585) with three climate models: Model 1 (GFDL-ESM4), Model 2 (IPSL-CM6A-Lr), and Model 3 (MP...
It is difficult for poor areas to fundamentally address the long-term development by solely relying on capital input or external aids. They can achieve sustainable development in the real sense only when these aids and supports are fully converted into the self-development abilities, including the ...
it is expected that short-term tourism in rural areas will gain momentum12,18,19. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Bański20indicated the potential for the development of weekend recreation in rural areas of Poland; this is a common way of spending free time for approximately 25% of city...
We study a theoretical growth model of international trade where tourism is the growth engine and quality of tourism services has a positive impact on long-term growth. We also provide an empirical analysis to test the relation between tourism, quality and economic growth in Spain over the ...
Karst World Heritage Site (KWHS) combines high-grade landscape resources and a fragile ecological environment. As an essential tool for heritage conservation and maintaining local interests, its buffer zone is primarily located in remote villages, a cruc