About WFTO Our movement Who we are What we stand for Our Theory of Change Our Allies Representing Fair Trade Enterprises Our History Our Team and Governance Our Team The Board Regional Offices & Networks Careers Annual Reports ANBI Non-profit Status OUR FAIR TRADE SYSTEM Our Fair Trade ...
Particularly in the context of Micro, small, & medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) development, which became one of the attention centres within Indonesian economic development, because they account for almost 60% of GDP and 97% of employment. However, only 0.1% of Indonesian MSMEs having adopted ...
Perhaps seen as the most spectacular development of the early 20th century Ethiopia, was the introduction of a modern railway transport system. The line was built by the French between 1897-1917 to connect port Jibuti (Djibouti) to Addis Ababa crossing through Dire Dawa. Besides the basic and...
By identifying these mismatches, specific strategies can be devised in the study area to rectify under-balanced areas without overloading areas that are well-matched to the current demand. These strategies can include the development of urban parks, green spaces, urban forests and, in rural areas...
Its GDP is set to grow by 5.1% annually from 2023 until 2033, outpacing overall global economic growth (at 2.6% per year) and thereby playing a pivotal role in driving socioeconomic development, particularly in highly tourism-dependent destinations. Yet, its growing use of water resources poses...
As millions of Kenyans celebrated the 50th Independence aniversarry marking December 12th the date in which the country gained its political independence from Great Britain in 1963, residents of Moyale District located in the far North and bordering Ethiopia and Somalia had nothing to celebrate. ...
3.1. Green cluster – Slow travel and sustainable development The most common theme within this cluster is the comparison of slow travel and tourism to other patterns or practices of travel and tourism, including sustainable tourism, low-carbon travel, and steady-state tourism. For example, an im...
Impacts of Tourism in Host Communities IMPACTSOFTOURISMINHOSTCOMMUNITIESTourismis one of the most important worldwide activities; it is also of great importance to the socio-economic and cultural development of a country.Tourismis a vital tool for conservation of natural systems‚ contribute...
“mannafromheaven”hasgainedsomesupport,inpart becausetourismisahighlyvisibleactivity.Criticsmightconverselyarguethatthe statementisratherabsurd,ifnotover-simplistic,giventhewell-recognised weaknessesoftourismasaviabledevelopmentstrategyforlessdevelopedcountries. Whatever:theoutcomeofthisparticulardebate,Erbes'statementand...
Egziabher M (2001), Information Technology: Its Uses in Tourism Industry, Catering and Tourism Training Institute: Ethiopia.Egziabher, A.M.G. 2001, 'Information Technology: Its Uses in Tourism Industry', paper presented to A Conference on Information Communication Technologies and Development, ...